Question: I find it difficult to have emotional contact with my daughter.
Sri Chinmoy: Please think of yourself when you were her age. Try to see if you were also unruly or whether you had the same difficulties and shortcomings that you find difficult to put up with in your daughter. When you were her age, if you also had them, then feel yourself as a larger part of her existence. Once you_ did something and now your daughter is doing it. When you did it, your parents had to put up with it, and now you have to put up with it in your daughter. If you were not like that when you were her age, then look around at your friends and neighbours. You will see that their children are infinitely worse than your daughter. Then you will thank God. So if you were the same when you were her age, then let your compassion come to the fore. If you were not of her type, just compare her with other children of her age. Look around and you will see many, many children who are very undivine, very hostile. Then you will have the consolation that at least you do not have to start from their level. Then you will have some consolation, some joy, and this will be your strength. With this strength you will be able to forgive your daughter and with new courage and inspiration you will be able to work with her.
Sri Chinmoy, Oneness-Reality and Perfection-Divinity, Agni Press, 1983