Value your spiritual name20

Dear ones, you come here to give me joy in boundless measure. I also try to do the same. I try to give you joy in boundless measure. It is the inner joy and the outer joy that elevate us. When the inner joy and the outer joy go together, we can arrive at the highest heights. High, higher, higher than the highest heights we reach.

I give spiritual names. To me, they have a very special value. Those who have got spiritual names have to take their names as soulfully, as devotedly and as sacredly as possible. I gave each of you the name. I meditated on your soul. I do not want this spiritual name to be desecrated.

To my great sorrow, some disciples are not abiding by my request. I gave them spiritual names. Some of them received their spiritual names twenty or thirty years ago, perhaps, but now their spiritual names are not being used. Hundreds and hundreds of disciples are crying inwardly and outwardly to receive spiritual names. If the spiritual names that I have given you are not used, and you use your old names or some endearing names, this I cannot accept. Endearing terms you can use in your private life, at home. You can call your family members anything you like at home. Use these endearing terms in your heart, but not outwardly, in public.

Again and again I have been telling you all that there is no such thing as insignificant disobedience. You can write it down on the tablet of your heart in golden letters: “There is no such thing as insignificant disobedience.” This so-called insignificant disobedience — you will perhaps call it very insignificant — may lead to your departure from the spiritual life. We have seen that many excellent, super-excellent disciples over the years have left the path because of disobedience.

You can do whatever you want to do at home with your family members. If your parents or your dear ones have a different name for you at home, who is going to know? At home what they are calling you secretly, we cannot change. But in public, you have to be very careful. In public, your parents and your brothers and sisters who are disciples have to call you by your spiritual name. You have to value your spiritual name. You cannot modify spiritual names or create your own names. I am telling each and every disciple here and elsewhere, please, please, if you have a spiritual name, never use a different name.

If your parents or your brothers and sisters are not disciples, or if you have friends who are not disciples, they have every right to call you by your previous name. They are under no obligation to call you by your spiritual name. Anybody who is not a disciple can definitely call you by your original name. But if your parents or other relatives are disciples, then they should not call you by a different name in public.

I have shown you over the years infinite affection, love, sweetness and fondness, but if you cannot abide by my express request, what can I say? This strictness is absolutely necessary.

It is easier than the easiest to call people by their spiritual names. Please do not desecrate your spiritual name, the one that I have given you.

OSO 23. 11 and 19 August 2002, Aspiration-Ground, Jamaica, New York