Question: Would it be possible for our provincial and city officials to unite in peace through your presence here and through the Peace Run?
Sri Chinmoy: We can only pray and meditate. Then it is up to God whether or not He fulfils our prayer and meditation. If we do anything with expectation, most of the time we are frustrated. But if we do the needful and say, as the Saviour taught us, "Let Thy Will be done,” at that time we are offering the best prayer and doing the right thing.You may say that it is something noble that you are praying for. It is something noble, true. But God has His own time. We use the term “God’s choice Hour”. People often feel that if they ask for something good, then their prayer ought to be fulfilled immediately. But it does not happen that way. It is not like instant coffee.
First we sow a seed. Soon it germinates and becomes a tiny plant. Then it becomes a small tree, and finally it becomes a huge tree. So everything takes time. But just because something takes time, we must not lose patience. Overnight we cannot become the best human being on earth. A stairway has many steps, and we have to climb all of the steps to reach the highest height.
So I will pray, my students will pray, you will pray and the heart and soul of Cebu will pray. Just because we pray, we can hope and even be certain that there shall come a time when our prayer will be fulfilled. It can be in the very near future or in the distant future. We are doing the right thing by praying. And if we do the right thing, then naturally God will shower His choicest Blessings on our devoted heads and surrendered lives.
On the other hand, if we do not do the right thing, then nothing good will ever be accomplished. So let us start our journey by praying for oneness; God will blessingfully appreciate us. Then, at His choice Hour, He will definitely fulfil our most sincere longing.