Question: Is the colour of the soul the same as the colour of the aura?
Sri Chinmoy: No, they are two different things. They have nothing to do with each other; only they are good friends. The soul can have many, many colours. Again, when you become a great seeker or a Master, at that time you have many auras. People who see my aura see only one aura out of many. The aura which they see depends on the particular way in which they accept Light. If one is aspiring in a particular way, then one has developed receptivity in a particular way. At that time, he sees a particular aura of mine. The colour of the soul and the aura of a human being are good, intimate friends, because the colour of the soul is of the divine and for the divine and the aura, also, is of the divine and for the divine.
Sri Chinmoy, Perfection in the Head-World, Agni Press, 1979