Question: Do we not sometimes mistake the strong concentration of the vital for a good or strong meditation?
Sri Chinmoy: Here I wish to say that concentration and meditation are two totally different things. One can easily know whether one is doing concentration or meditation. When it is concentration, there is tremendous intensity, like an arrow entering into the target. This is called concentration. But the very nature of meditation is to bring down peace into the entire being especially in the mind. Intensity is there, but the intensity is flooded with luminosity, whereas when you concentrate, it may not be necessary to have the highest luminosity.Concentration wants immediate results. It is ready to get anything, to some extent, by hook or by crook. But meditation won't do that. Meditation has infinite time at its disposal. That doesn't mean that meditation neglects the fleeting time, no. It appreciates fleeting time, but at the same time inside the fleeting time it sees the endless time. That is why meditation has infinite peace inside it.
So if one knows the result we get from concentration and meditation, then one can never make a mistake. They are two different things. The intensity of the vital at the time of concentration is not bad if it comes from the purified vital and not the demanding vital. The vital is a very good thing, it is like a very dynamic horse, but the question is how we utilise it. Most people are using the vital in the world of passion, disharmony, argument and greed. But this same vital can be used as a dynamic strength to fight against ignorance, imperfection and death. So if we can use a purified vital at the time of concentration, then our success will be very satisfactory and it will assure us that fulfilment of our goal on earth is not a mere dream.