Part IV — Questions on contemporary life
Question: Many say that we are entering into the end of this age, and that the world is going to end quite soon. I was wondering what you had to say about it.
Sri Chinmoy: Since your childhood I am sure you have been hearing that the world is coming to an end. And our grandfathers were also told the same story. The world is not just a tiny spot. It will not be destroyed totally. A portion of the world may be destroyed by an earthquake or some cataclysm, but the whole world as such is not going to be destroyed. Human aspiration is not going to come to an end.Human aspiration is like an upward movement. It goes up, then it bends a little and then again it goes up. Human aspiration may go up and down, ascend and descend, but ultimately it just goes up. If somebody becomes tired while he is climbing, then in his time of relaxation perhaps he comes down a little. But when he is again inspired, he will go up again and finally he will reach the Highest. The world is not going to come to an end because human aspiration is not going to come to an end. Human aspiration may one day be very hot and another day it may be lukewarm, but when it once starts in us, it will carry us to the highest Absolute. Before it reaches that Goal, it will not be satisfied. So long as human aspiration exists in the earth atmosphere, this world will never be totally destroyed.