Question: But when you see that something is wrong there, don't you think that they must learn from your spirituality to do something more useful?
Sri Chinmoy: If somebody does not do something the same way I do, I will not say that he is doing it wrong. The human mind may say that it is wrong, but the heart will say that only he is having an experience. My job is to do what God has asked me to do, what God has inspired me to do. It is not my job to judge what other people are doing. You may say that they are doing something wrong, but I will say that it is not up to me to judge them. I will only judge my own spiritual life to see whether or not I am doing the right thing. I do not judge the United Nations. I do not judge you. I do not judge anybody on earth. Only I try to listen to the inspiration and aspiration that I get from within. What others are doing is not my concern. If God sees that they are doing something wrong, then God will correct them at His choice Hour. But a spiritual person does not make a judgement. Only God can judge.God is having one experience in and through you, and He is having another experience in and through me. How can I say that someone at the United Nations is doing the wrong thing whereas I am doing the right thing? As I said before, my inner prayer is the right thing for me. But someone else feels that the right thing for him is political discussion. You say that the delegates at the United Nations are not helping the poor people and that they are only making the rich richer. This is what you have observed, so you are at perfect liberty to say it. But since I am not involved in the outer activities of the United Nations, I do not want to say whether or not they are doing something wrong. They are doing what they feel is best right now. They may be wrong, or they may be right, but I am not in a position to judge the United Nations activities. I am only in a position to judge my own sincerity. I am only responsible for whether or not I am sincere when I come to the United Nations to pray and meditate.