Sadhan Samare Satyer Shudhu Joy
Sadhan samare satyer shudhu joySatyer buke atmar parichoy
Mithyar asha habe bichurna jani
Ananda habe bishwamayer bani
Je peyechhe kabhu jananir barabhoi
Manush haye o se je chira akkhoy
In the battlefield of life
Only truth will be victorious.
Inside truth only the real form of the soul
Can be revealed.
The hope of falsehood will eventually die.
Delight will be the real message, only message,
Of the universal Mother.
He who has received
The Divine Mother's Compassion-Light
Becomes divine, immortal,
Even in the human body.
Sri Chinmoy, Pole-star promise-light, part 3, Agni Press, 1977