Ekti Katha Balo Mago

Ekti katha balo mago
Ebar amai ekti katha
Kabe pabo tomar sneha
Shanti jyoti nirabata
Ranga paye na pele thai
Jiban habe dhudhu maru
Barek dekha dile amai
Dibya jiban habe suru

_Translation <html>Tell me, Mother, only one thing.<br \></html> <html>Tell me only one thing.<br \></html> <html>When will I get Your Peace, Light and Silence?<br \></html> <html>When shall I get them in You?<br \></html> <html>The day I see You.<br \></html> <html>If I do not get my salvation at Your Feet,<br \></html> <html>My mind will become a wild, barren desert.<br \></html> <html>If You, Mother, stand before me only once,<br \></html> <html>My life divine will immediately find its way<br \></html> <html>Toward Your Reality-height.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>

      <a class="source-title"  href="psps_4"  title="" >Sri Chinmoy, Pole-Star Promise-Light, part 4, </a>1977


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