Ratri Nai Diba Nai

Ratri nai diba nai
Jhup jhup brishti
Dekhite dekhite koi
Dibaser khudra parisare
Bhese gela srishti
Chhannachhara grihahara
Manab santan shato shato
Kanditecha artasware
Nirashroy nir hara bihanger mato
Nahi anna nahi bastra
Charidik shudhu jalomoy
Apar baridhi bakke bhese asa
Jena khanda bangsha danda
Kariya ashroy
Ajio rayeche benche
Hatobhagya sarbanasha
Jara tahader rekeche banchaye
Kon marichika sei kon
Kuhakini asha

_Translation <html>Day in, day out it is raining heavily,<br \></html> <html>A deplorable sight.<br \></html> <html>Birds are helpless, human beings are helpless.<br \></html> <html>Flood, a merciless flood has taken millions<br \></html> <html>Away to the other world.<br \></html> <html>And those who are still alive<br \></html> <html>Are building their hopes<br \></html> <html>in the world of nowhere.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>

      <a class="source-title"  href="psps_4"  title="" >Sri Chinmoy, Pole-Star Promise-Light, part 4, </a>1977


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