Puratan Smriti Mane Mor Jage
Puratan smriti mane mor jage
Bahu puratan smriti
E dharar lagi atmatyajiya
Chahi nai kabhu priti
Nahi jani hai dainya kemane
Hanila aghat shire
Bishal hriday jachi ami mago
Phirite shanti nire
_Translation <html>Today my old reminiscences take shelter<br \></html> <html>in my mind.<br \></html> <html>I have offered myself to please this world,<br \></html> <html>Yet I have not asked for its love in return.<br \></html> <html>I do not know why I am in the poverty-world today.<br \></html> <html>I need world-appreciation.<br \></html> <html>O Mother of the Universe, I need a boundless heart.<br \></html> <html>What for? To enter into the nest,<br \></html> <html>Illumining and fulfilling, of Yours.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
<a class="source-title" href="psps_4" title="" >Sri Chinmoy, Pole-Star Promise-Light, part 4, </a>1977
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