Question: Is there a single philosophical reply that will answer all questions?
Sri Chinmoy: If we adopt the approach of Ramana Maharshi, then we can say, “Who am I?” That is the most significant question and at the same time the most significant answer. For me, “Who am I?” is not only the question of questions, it is also the answer of answers. When you ask the great spiritual Masters, “Who am I?” then the question is answered also. Ramana Maharshi’s philosophy was always to ask, “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?”“Who am I?” is a question. Again, “Who am I?” is also the answer, because immediately the answer comes, “Who am I not?” The positive and negative always go together. The question is coming as challenging, but inside the question is the answer: is there anything that I am not? Is there anyone that I am not?
Ultimately, all the questions that philosophy asks can be reduced to “Who am I?” Then the reply comes spontaneously, “Who am I not?” The question and the answer may be found at the same place.
Sri Chinmoy, Philosophy: wisdom-chariot of the mind, Agni Press, 1999