Old friends3
After the race, a thin, tall black man came up to me and said, “Guru, don’t you remember me? The other day I ran 800 metres with you.”Then I recognised him. He was in the Randall’s Island race in New York City. I had told Danny to videotape him. I said, “Yes, you ran extremely well. I was far, far behind.” He is national champion in his age category. He was so happy to see me. He couldn’t believe that I was in Puerto Rico. At Randall’s island he ran a 2:10 and my timing was three minutes. But in India in the 800 metres I had stood first.
In half an hour again he came up to me just to chat. In the Pan American Games he defeated everyone in the 800, but in the 100 he didn’t get a place. So, he said nice things and I said nice things.
RB 293. September 1980↩
Sri Chinmoy, Run and become, become and run, part 6, Agni Press, 1981