Meeting with Bill Rodgers24
The registration place was the Holiday Inn in Miami. Savyasachi told me that Bill Rodgers was in the hall, so I got out of the car, thinking, “Let me say hello to him.” He was just going out to run and was holding some running shoes.I said, “Hello. Tomorrow you will be running?” He said, “Yes.” I said, “I wish you the best of luck. Someday I wish you to go under two hours. Tomorrow I want you to be first and to go back to your highest glory.”
He looked at me and said, “How I wish I could! “
I said, “Tomorrow you will try to do it. Do you recognise me?”
He said, “Yes.” He was looking into my eyes very intensely and soulfully. He said, “Sri Chinmoy.”
Again I smiled at him and he smiled at me. He thanked me and I thanked him.
RB 681. 24 January 1983↩
Sri Chinmoy, Run and become, become and run, part 13, Agni Press, 1983