10. Tagore's way of drinking tea
The Japanese showed Tagore tremendous respect and love. Once he was drinking tea with some Japanese. Everyone was using a cup. But, for some reason, Tagore was inspired to pour a little bit of tea on his saucer, and he drank from the saucer.Then, what happened? His Japanese friends who were at the same table started pouring their tea onto their saucers and drinking in Tagore’s way! Finally, one of them asked Tagore, “Why are you drinking like this?” He replied, “This is our traditional way. But why do you have to follow my way?” They said, “Because you are so great.”72
RTM 152. December 7th, 2005. Previously unpublished.↩
Sri Chinmoy, Rabindranath Tagore: the moon of Bengal’s Heart, Agni Press, 2011