Question: How far is the pole star from the sun?
Sri Chinmoy: The pole star is quite near the sun. It is very close, not even one foot away. The sun is the heart and the pole star is the third eye, which is in the forehead. So you can see, they are not even one foot apart. Inside the heart is not one sun but many, many suns. Vivekananda had eighteen. You can also have one, two, three, God knows how many. Believe it or not, when I bark at you, all of your suns are eclipsed. But when I don't bark at you, when I show you my infinite Compassion, at that time those suns show me their brightness, light and delight.The pole star is the star that guides, the star with vision. The third eye is vision and the sun is the creative force, the reality that has taken the pole star as its representative to manifest it. The heart-sun and the eye of vision are complementary realities. The sun is the source, the pole star is the course. The pole star needs the sun, the source. Again, the sun needs the course. So in this way they complement each other. If there is no source, there is no reality; and if there is no course, if the reality is unmanifested, then what good does it do?
Sri Chinmoy, Smile of the Beyond, Agni Press, 1977