Question: How should we love God?
Sri Chinmoy: If we love God in order to get something from Him, if our love is conditional, then it becomes a kind of compromise. If someone gives God one cent of aspiration and expects God to give him two million dollars of realisation, this is not real divine love. Our love of God must always be unconditional. When we love God soulfully and unconditionally, we feel that it is our bounden duty to change the face of the world as His chosen instruments.Whenever we are able to give something to God, it is because His infinite Grace is acting in and through us. If we are ready to give Him one cent, it is just because He is inspiring us to give it to Him. Otherwise, we would have used it for some other purpose.
Our prayer to God should be, "It is up to You whether or not to give me anything. My only wish, my only aspiration is to be at Your Feet all the time, to serve You unconditionally, and to please You in Your own way." This is the highest, greatest and most effective way of loving God. And there can be no greater message, no greater mantra, no greater aspiration than this: "Let Thy Will be done." In this kind of oneness we come to discover our love of God. In our oneness with the Absolute, our Divine Father, we come to discover our love. And when we love God, we consciously feel our inseparable oneness with God's past, present and future creation.