Table of Contents
Part I — Love, devotion and surrender
Part II — Question and answers
- Question: I am a student. How can I study and still keep God before me?
- Question: How should one go about helping others?
- Question: What is the attitude that one should have while helping others?
- Question: If a person is basically a humanitarian but fails to achieve God-realisation, what will his spiritual status be when he dies?
- Question: I would like to understand more clearly the distinction between helping man and serving man. I think it is very easy to get the two confused.
- Question: How can one serve the Supreme?
- Question: What place does work have in the spiritual life?
- Question: If mine is primarily a devotional approach to God, should I also mix in dedicated service and knowledge ?
- Question: What is the importance of selfless service?
- Question: What should be our attitude while doing selfless service for you?
- Question: Should one try to meditate while doing selfless service?
- Question: What role does selfless service play on your path?
- Question: Should disciples accept the service of other disciples?
- Question: What is the relationship between service and love-offerings to the Centre?
- Question: How can I become closer to you, Guru?
- Question: How can I learn to devote myself to you?