Question: You say that yours is a path, not a religion. But after the Master leaves, it becomes a religion — like Buddhism, for example — and it stands against other religions.
Sri Chinmoy: In my case, I only speak about the soul. My philosophy is that the soul is the only reality and at every second we have to listen to our souls. I have not said a word against any religion. On the contrary, I have expressed the greatest love, admiration and adoration for the Saviour Christ, the Buddha, Sri Krishna and the spiritual Masters associated with other religions. So why should my path become a religion and stand against other religions? My writings will make it very, very clear that I was not a man who directly or indirectly tried to establish a new religion. After my departure, the world will see only my creations.
Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy answers, part 10, Agni Press, 1999