Prayer to Lord Buddha8

"O Lord Buddha, O Light of the world, O new pathfinder of humanity’s liberation, we have just invoked your blessingful presence. We have felt and are still feeling the blessings divine and supreme that you have bestowed upon us" — upon our heart of aspiration and our life of dedication.

Over the years, I have been to a number of countries that follow the teachings of the Lord Buddha. But here, in Myanmar, I feel that the Lord Buddha has a very, very special eye of compassion and a very, very special heart of universal love. Myanmar, I feel, has a most special place in the heart of Lord Buddha. The depths of silence, the beauty of simplicity and the hunger for life’s perfection I see and I feel in the aspiring and self-giving soul of Myanmar — blessed child of the immortal world-liberator, Lord Buddha.
"Lord Buddha, to your life as a human being I bow. To your supreme attainment of nirvana, parinirvana and mahaparinirvana I bow. You blessed us with the message of continual transcendence in the physical when you attained nirvana and, right after leaving the mortal sheath, parinirvana. Then, at the choice Hour of the highest Transcendental Supreme, you entered into mahaparinirvana.
  The Silence of the Absolute Supreme and ever-unknowable Reality blessed you and claimed you as its own to liberate humanity from the sufferings of ignorance. Lord Buddha, to the human in you we bow. To the divine in you we bow. To the ever-transcending Reality in you we bow and bow and bow."

SCA 402. On 9 January 1995, Sri Chinmoy was guest of honour at a luncheon and cultural programme sponsored by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Tipitaka Nykarya Upahsaka Sasana Organisation, a Buddhist cultural group, at the Kaba Aye Pagoda compound in Yangon, Myanmar. During the programme, Sri Chinmoy offered a prayer to Lord Buddha.