Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 17

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My Lord Supreme,
What will happen
If I obey You unconditionally?
“My child
Your entire life will be flooded
With My Heart’s sweetest Intimacy.”


With my praying hands
I go to see God.
With my meditating heart
I invoke God to come and see me.


You want to know
Where I live in the inner world.
In the inner world I live
Between my Lord’s powerful
And my heart’s soulful


You are telling me
That you have nothing to do
And therefore
You are not doing anything.
But I am clearly seeing
That you are doing something:
You are starving poor God to death.


Now that you have put your desire-life
On a perfect diet,
God is definitely going to invite you
To His Nectar-Silence-Feast.


You tell me
That you are very brave.
Then show me your bravery
By fighting against your lower self
And by loving your higher self


You are telling me
That you do not have any friend.
Nobody thinks of you,
Nobody likes you,
Nobody loves you,
Nobody treasures you.
Well, I clearly see that you have
An excellent friend.
Your ignorance-friend does think of you,
Does like you,
Does love you,
Does treasure you at every moment.


What else can you expect
Your confusion-mind-boat to do
But to carry you
To an alien destruction-shore?


The dawn of a permanent purity-day
Has made its permanent abode
Inside his heart.


God the Lover created this world,
And not man the doubter.
Since God the Lover
Created the world,
How can you trust or even ask
Man the doubter to take care of it?


The life that does not believe
In hope-power
Is nothing but a nightmare
To itself.


God does not think
That you are unworthy
Of realising Him.
But He knows
That you are unwilling
To realise Him.


You want to show the world
The smiling sweetness-moon
Of your eyes
Without having a oneness-life.
You simply cannot do that!


When are you going to come out of
Your self-pity-sea
And jump into
God’s Satisfaction-Ocean?


Alas, it was too late
For him to save himself,
For a false saviour
Had totally destroyed
His aspiration-heart.


I have two teachers:
God and ignorance.
I have so many questions.
God the Teacher
Does not answer my questions.
Ignorance the teacher
Is unable to answer my questions.
Alas, what am I going to do now?
I am totally lost.


It creates a tremendous
Encouraging excitement
In his vital and body
When his mind’s doubt-thunder roars.
But his soul and heart
Laugh and laugh
At his mind’s shameless stupidity.


You have been accepting
Temptation’s invitation
For such a long time
And not accepting
God’s Invitation.
Do you not think
That it would be nice of you
To accept God’s Invitation
At least once?


My Lord,
Open my heart’s new eye
So that I can prayerfully watch You
While You are flying towards me.


God asked me to sing one song:
The song of aspiration.
I sang that song for Him.
He liked my song so much
That He asked me to sing
A few more songs.
I was so delighted and excited
That I sang two more songs
One after another:
My life’s surrender-song
And my heart’s gratitude-song.


You are begging God
For a gift.
Has He not already given you
His best and highest Gift:


The roots of his happiness-life-tree
Are so strong
That the wild winds of despair
Will never be able to frighten him.


God’s Life has already touched
My compassion-heart.
But alas, when shall my life touch
God’s Compassion-Feet?


You call it
A dying temptation,
But I call it
A vanishing destruction.


A new aspiration-hope is rising
For him to reach
The highest height
Of his soul’s promise-land.


Tell me, my friend,
Is it your dream
Or is it your mental hallucination?
Tell me, my friend,
Is it your vision
Or is it your perfection?
I do not see the difference
Between your dream and your hallucination.
Again, I do not see the difference
Between your vision and your perfection.


There was a time
When I used to live
On frustration-flames.
But now that I have a new life
Of aspiration-cry,
I am living inside the heart
Of the illumination-sun.


God was his Teacher.
The Teacher and His student
Were unable to please each other.
The student left the Teacher
And found a new teacher:
God the Teacher is not sure
Whether it is worthwhile for Him
To look for a new student.


Before you
Is a powerful silence-sea.
Behind you
Is a powerful doubt-storm.
Do not delay, make the right choice!
Let the world be inspired
By your right choice.
Then it will also make the right choice
When the time comes
For it to make a choice.


If you do not want to forget
Your desire-language completely,
No harm,
But you must not use it.
God-Language is so soulful and powerful
And now that you have learnt it
Most satisfactorily,
Why do you have to use
Your vulgar desire-language?
In the new world that you are living in,
Nobody will understand
Your old desire-language.


This morning
My Lord Supreme said to me
That if I can show Him
That I have the capacity
To speak less,
Then He will give me the capacity
Not only to hear Him more
But also to fulfil myself
Infinitely more.


My Lord Supreme
Do tell me one thing:
Determination —
Is it something
That I do not have at all
Or is it something
That will remain indefinitely dormant
Inside my heart?


Do not pay any attention
To your unaspiring mind.
Just feed your hunger-heart
Even more than you have been feeding it
And let your unaspiring mind
Starve and die.


God is always ready
To grant me His two giant Wings
To lift me from my heavy despair.
But alas,
I have no confidence
In God’s two Wings.


Unless you are ready to enjoy
The immediate collapse
Of your earth-bound mind,
How will you be able to enjoy
The infinite beauty and expansion
Of your heart’s Heaven-free bridge?


In the outer world
When I run, I use new shoes
Once in a blue moon.
In the inner world,
God gives me a new pair of shoes
Every day.
He tells me
That a new pair of shoes every day
Will give me
A new inspiration, a new aspiration
And a new destination.


When I cry,
I cry only to see God’s Face.
When I smile,
I smile only to feel God’s Heart.


To see God’s Face
You do not have to face
The mounting wave of doom.
To see God’s Face
You have to love more and more
Your own mounting wave
Of inner bloom.


You are your life’s
Selfish pleasure.
Yet you want God
To treasure you!
What can be more absurd?


You do one thing every day:
You admire your mind-elephant
To your satisfaction.
God also does one thing every day:
He loves your heart-deer
To His Satisfaction.


You are such a fool
That you cannot appreciate
The beauty and divinity of truth.
Yet you want
A monopoly on truth!


God’s Illumination-Building
Does not believe
In having a conference room.


Do not go anywhere alone —
There is no safe place on earth.
You must always carry with you
Your soul’s silence-smile.


His vital-bull and his mind-panther
Have at last decided
To sign a peace treaty.
God in Heaven has invited
His heart and soul
To enjoy a supreme feast.


There is every possibility
That an unemployed God-lover
May eventually become
A true God-hater.


O my mind,
You are asking me why
I do not want to utilise you
The way I utilise my heart.
Every day my heart,
On its own,
Goes to the soul-laundry
To be laundered,
But you do not want to do that.
How do you then expect me
To use you every day
When you do not at all
Keep yourself clean?


You are telling me
That you do not know
What stupidity is.
I am telling you,
Stupidity is the thing
That tortures and ruins
Your God-given flower-heart.


O insecurity-weakness,
I never thought
That you could be
So unimaginably powerful!


When one soldier is out of step,
An army loses its strength.
Similarly, when one good thought
Either disappears from the mind
Or is out of employment,
It creates a serious problem
In one’s inner life.


Your eyes are telling me
That you want to destroy
My teeming weaknesses.
Your heart is telling me
That you want me to transform
My weaknesses into strengths,
My imperfections into perfections
And my suffering into delight.


Now that your life
Is completely saturated
With surrender-nectar,
Your God-realisation-hour
Cannot remain a far cry.


You can borrow
Your heart’s illumination-saw
To cut into pieces
Your confusion-treasuring mind.


In the morning
My Beloved Supreme
Keeps my soul filled
With promise-perfection,
And during the entire day
He keeps my heart filled
With hope-aspiration.


Do you want to know
What you can do
With your naughty mind?
You ask your mind
To look for and live for
The compassionate Heart of God.


Unless you deliberately set fire
To your mind’s rubbish-store,
Your mind’s fire-pure transformation
Will not take place.


O seeker,
Always be on the alert.
Your heart’s blossoming faith
Can be devoured
By your mind’s brooding doubts.


With your deception-life-boat
How can you ever reach
To see God’s Satisfaction-Dance?


If you want to escape
From desire-fire,
Then ask your soul
To grant you every day
A new aspiration-flame.


God does not want to revise
Your mind-book,
For there is nothing to revise.
It is all meaningless and useless.

God will be pleased to revise
Your heart-book,
For it embodies profound wisdom-light.
There are a few minor mistakes
In the book,
But God will be more than pleased
To correct them
And make your heart-book
Absolutely perfect,
Illumining and fulfilling.


Your eyes want to tell me
That you have realised God.
Your heart tells me
That your God-realisation
Is still a far cry.
I am sorry,
I have to trust your heart
And not your eyes.


God expects
Each and every human being
To play at least one melody
Correctly and soulfully
Before his life-lease expires
On earth.


He always does unthinkable things.
We are dying to escape
From darkness to light.
And what has he done?
He has escaped from light
To ignorance
Consciously and deliberately.


Your soul kept its promise.
It did listen to God every day
And please God every day
In every way.
But your blind body, blind vital
And blind mind could not see it.


He is giving you
His affection-rainbow.
But if you do not value
His affection,
Do you think he will ever
Care to give you
His illumination-sun?


While he was sailing,
Both the illumination-shore
And the temptation-shore
Wanted him.
He did not want to satisfy
Only one of his hosts.
Therefore he offered
His mind to temptation
And his heart to illumination.


Not only on earth
But also in Heaven
There is a book that can never be
A best-seller.
Do you know what book this is?
God’s Justice-Book.


O my doubtful mind,
Your life is ridiculous.
O my fearful heart,
Your life is ridiculous.
O my uncertain soul,
Your life is ridiculous.
O my sleeping body,
Your life is ridiculous.
O my strangling vital,
Your life is ridiculous.


Hammering and hammering
At your ignorance-rock,
Poor God has become extremely tired.
Do you not think
That it is high time for you
To start hammering
At your ignorance-rock
And give poor God a little rest,
Which He so rightly deserves?


Not only the doubt-tumour
In his heart
But also the heart itself
Has been surgically removed.
And now God the Compassion-Doctor
Has transplanted into him
A new heart of perfection-faith.


He has very strange theories about God.
He thinks that he can live
Without thinking about God,
Whereas God cannot live
Without thinking about him.
He also thinks that there are two Gods.
One God is a strict disciplinarian.
This disciplinarian God wants nothing
But perfection from the world.
The other God is God Himself
Who always remains Self-enamoured
And Self-satisfied.


God wanted me to show Him
My heart-garden.
Alas, I am able to show Him
Only my impurity-futility-weeds.


God wants you to be
His perfection-partner.
Instead of listening to Him,
You have become a partner
Of the temptation-world.


If you love the touch of the world
More than the Touch of God,
How can you expect
Eternity and Infinity
To claim you as their own?


His heart’s life-boat has capsized
Because he did not care
To see the bloom
Of the aspiring consciousness-bud.


Your life will never be
A fallen leaf
If you every day worship
The Vision-Eye of God’s Life-Tree.


When the hour strikes,
Every athlete-seeker
Will win his God-realisation-medal
In the heart-Olympics.


Consciously if you do not deepen
Your heart’s love for God,
Unconsciously you will cheapen
Your life in God’s world.


God will not let anyone else
Write your perfection-biography.
He has decided
To do it Himself.


You are your self-offering race,
God is His Self-Transcendence-Eye,
And I am my life-satisfaction-smile.


At last you have made God happy
By becoming
Your heart’s rising aspiration-star.


Increase your aspiration-appetite
Every day.
You will not be daunted and haunted
By disappointment-dart.


The desire-storm of your vital
Has totally destroyed
Your heart’s faith-flames
And even your life’s aspiration-sun.


Who says that God does not need
Any favour from you?
He does need one favour:
Your heart’s unconditional


If your heart is a faltering
How can you ever dance
In God’s Immortality-Hall?


You do not have to offer
A gratitude-sea to God.
Even a dribble from your heart’s
Can and will satisfy God.


O my mind,
You have overfed my ego,
And now what is happening?
You are suffering pangs
That are unimaginably excruciating.


Try to remain
On your life’s dedication-diet.
You will soon be able to celebrate
The death of your desire-life.


You have asked your mind
To drive your life-car.
Quite often the car
Is out of control.
Why do you have to blame
God the Driver,
Whom you have not invited
To drive your life-car?


Luminosity is looming large
In your life
Because you have successfully
Commanded your mind
To be constantly in touch
With your soul.


Tranquillity comes from
The heart’s diving.
Tranquillity comes from
The life’s surrendering.


What does he do regularly?
He regularly dethrones his doubting mind
Early in the morning,
And then he enthrones his aspiration-heart
And keeps it
Inside his beautiful soul-room
For the entire day.


Alas, my heart’s gratitude-drop
Is so fearful
That instead of entering into the sea
Of light and delight,
It is ready to be tortured constantly
By limitation, division and frustration.


Only your heart’s
Can cure you of your life’s


God has given His Realisation-Life
A specific job.
Every day
It goes out to install
Sweet oneness-will
Inside all human hearts.


Aspire to win
Your oneness-belt
In God’s cosmic Fulness-Game.


Do you know
How God has become
The Possessor of infinite Wealth?
God has become
The Possessor of infinite Wealth
By investing countless Smiles
In His cosmic Vision-Stock.


Every day
You are mercilessly persecuted
By temptation dreams,
Yet you are not longing for
A perfection-reality-life.


Your deviation from oneness-goal
Has turned your entire life
Into meaningless and useless coal.


My Lord Supreme,
Do tell me if there is a way
To cure man of his chronic invention
Of destruction-weapons.


If you want to achieve
Perfection and satisfaction
Within and without,
Then enthrall your world
With nectar-spreading enthusiasm

Translations of this page: Czech
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