My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 13
HopeIs a supreme necessity-quality
In our God-aspiring life.
APR 1158. These prayers were given in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam — 12 January 2002.↩
My God-oneness-heartIs earth’s representative
To Heaven.
My purity-heart-friendTells me what to do
To please God
All the time.
My divinity-soul-friendTeaches me how to become
A supremely choice child
Of my Lord Beloved Supreme.
My Compassion-flooded LordTells me:
“Not the distance travelled,
But the destination reached.”
I badly failed GodIn my God-aspiration-examination.
Is it not surprising?
Is it not shocking?
Every morning my Lord,God the eternal Beggar,
Comes to me
For my two sincerity-eyes
And one purity-heart.
I live in betweenMy life’s soulful sobs
And my heart’s blissful throbs.
APR 1165. These prayers were given in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam — 13 January 2002.↩
Today my heart is awakenedTo the beauty and fragrance
Of a oneness-world.
I have zero toleranceFor those who constantly
Find fault
With my Lord Beloved Supreme.
Alas,Whenever I look for my mind,
I find it in the grip
Of God-ingratitude.
The mind has no timeFor God’s Tears.
The heart gives its whole life
To be inseparably one
With God’s Tears.
At every momentWe must be careful!
Ruthless and baseless
Worries and anxieties
Invade our lives
When we enter into
Our mind-jungles.
“Nothing remains the same for long.”Not true!
My unconditional
Always remains the same.
APR 1171. These prayers were given in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam — 14 January 2002.↩
My Lord,How will I recognise You
If or when You come to see me?
“My child,
You will be able to recognise Me
From your ecstasy-flooded
When we are aspiringFor divine qualities,
There is no such thing
As too much.
When we greedily craveFor earthly possessions,
Each possession can decrease
Our God-hunger.
If you think and feelThat you are working extremely,
Extremely hard,
Just think of the Old Man
Upstairs in Heaven.
Your embarrassment
Shall beggar description.
Today’s God-adorationInvariably tomorrow
Becomes God-destination.
All my prayersAnd all my meditations
Have only one secret desire
Inside them:
God-fulfilment in God’s own Way.
To my greatest joy,Every day my God-oneness-heart
And my man-oneness-life
Are expanding.
APR 1178. These prayers were given in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam — 16 January 2002.↩
To fulfil our heart’sEvery divine need,
God Himself
Comes down.
In the doubting and suspectingMind-jail,
It is extremely difficult
For the seeker-heart
To survive.
The mind-newspaperCarries only accidents,
Catastrophes, crimes,
Obscure and impure news.
The heart-newspaperCarries only the news
About the Supreme Lord,
About the cosmic gods
And goddesses
And about the archangels
And angels.
Each momentComes to our aspiration-heart
With a new God-fulfilment-dream.
Today is the day for meTo step out of my mind’s
Self-imposed insecurity-prison.
Every morning and eveningI am mesmerised
By God’s Self-Transcendence-Vision-Beauty-Eye.
The mind lends.The heart gives.
The body and the vital
Do not give
And do not take.
God is extremely proud of HimselfAnd extremely proud of me
When He sees my life
In between His Friendship
And His Partnership.
My Lord,I cannot stop thinking of You,
Although I may not think of You
All the time
Either highly or gratefully.
APR 1188. These prayers were given in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam — 17 January 2002.↩
There is a constant battleBetween God’s Pride in me
And my own disappointment
With my life.
Invincible faithAnd nothing else
A seeker needs
In his spiritual life.
The moment we enterInto God’s Boat,
He promises us
In His own inimitable Way
Smooth sailing
On His Oneness-Fulness-Sea.
My Lord tells meThat real spirituality
Has nothing to do
With idle and useless curiosities.
My Lord,Do tell me,
How long can You ignore
The streaming tears
Of my broken heart?
“My child,
There shall come a time
When I shall be able to prove to you
That My Kindness is always flooded
With My Wisdom-Light.”
Spirituality’s heart-homeIs absolutely the wrong place
For those who are craving
For world-supremacy.
Spirituality’s heart-home
Is absolutely the right place
For those who are longing
Only for God-intimacy
And God-oneness.
My gratitude-heart-tearsDo not fall down.
They just fly up
High, higher, highest
To my Lord’s Heart-Home.
My Lord,Do give me the capacity
To devour the dust of Your Feet
Speedily and completely.
My heart’s sobbing whispersReach my Lord’s Heart
With lightning speed.
I wish to find my lifeIn between my aspiration-intensity
And my Lord’s
God comesCloser and closer
To my heart-tears.
God becomesDearer and dearer
To my life-smiles.
Alas,Why do I live
In my unlit mind-cave,
And not
In my fully illumined heart-home?
In the morningGod examines
My mind’s purity
And my heart’s beauty.
APR 1202. These prayers were given in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam — 21 January 2002.↩
In the eveningGod examines
My life’s tolerance
And patience.
In the morningI soulfully gather
In the eveningI prayerfully sow
My Lord’s soulful EyeShelters my heart-beauty
And my soul-fragrance.
At nightMy Lord wants me to count
The unconditional love-moments
That I had during the day.
Insecurity and prideHave the same source:
My Mother India tells me:“Silence, my son, silence!
Silence in your inner life,
Silence in your outer life.”
APR 1209. These prayers were given in Brunei Darussalam — 27 January 2002.↩
My Mother India tells me:“My son,
Sail your heart-boat, sail.
Do not use your mind-volcano
To assail,
Do not — never!”
My Mother India tells me:“My son,
Power is not the answer.
Compassion is not the answer.
Even forgiveness is not the answer.
God’s Vision-Eye-Fulfilment
Is the answer, the only answer.”
My Mother India tells me,“My son,
The world-crisis will be over
Only when the strength of the mind
Cheerfully embraces
The power of the heart,
And only God knows
When and how it will happen.
But it will definitely happen,
In the very, very, very, very
Distant future.
Until then,
All God-seekers of the world
Must pray sleeplessly
And meditate breathlessly
Only for God’s Victory.”
I must blame myselfAnd not the world
For not taming
My undivine mind.
I must blame myself
And not the world
For not feeding
Regularly, cheerfully, proudly
My God-hungry heart.
We all must be careful,Very careful!
The patience of the world-soul
Is wearing thin, very thin.
I want my life to revolve onlyAround God-made yoga.
Yoga means union,
Union with God,
Union with God’s Will.
I love and fulfilThe silence-whisper-messages
Of my soul.
My imagination-mind,Wake up, wake up!
Sleep no more.
My aspiration-heart,
Climb up, climb up!
Delay no more, delay no more!
My dedication-life,
God Himself is watching.
Be careful, be careful!
My Lord has commandedHope, enthusiasm, encouragement,
Promise and fulfilment
To accompany me wherever I go.
My Lord,What does prayer do?
“My child,
Prayer makes and keeps
Your heart-day bright.”
APR 1219. These prayers were given in Brunei Darussalam — 28 January 2002.↩
My Lord,What does meditation do?
“My child,
Meditation makes and keeps
Your mind-night illumined.”
My Lord,What does gratitude do?
“My child,
Gratitude makes and keeps
Your heart sweet and pure.”
My Lord,What does surrender do?
“My child,
Surrender makes you feel
That you are absolutely Mine,
And also your surrender makes Me feel
That I am absolutely yours.”
My Lord, what shall I doWith my stark enemies?
“My child, if you really love Me,
If you really need Me,
Then you will have nothing,
Nothing, nothing to do
With your enemies.”
My Lord, some friendsWho have betrayed me
And are no longer with me,
And some friends who are
Still with me
But mix with them
And talk with them
And receive wild and absurd gossip
And spread it all around:
What shall I do with them?
“My child, your time on earth
Is extremely precious.
Throw them out of your heart,
Throw them out of your mind,
And throw them out of your life
You do not need
These so-called friends.”
My Lord, please, please tell meWho are my real enemies?
“My child, your real enemies
Are those who are
Ingratitude incarnate.”
My Lord Beloved Supreme,When do I give You utmost joy?
“My child,
When you claim only Me
As your own, very own.”
APR 1226. These prayers were given in Brunei Darussalam — 29 January 2002.↩
My Lord Beloved Supreme,When do I give You utmost pain?
“My child,
When you tell me unthinkable things,
Such as you are worthless,
You are hopeless
And you are useless.”
My Lord Beloved Supreme,Am I really worthy of You?
“My child,
Have you nothing better to do
Than to hurl an insult at me?
I am your Creator.
You are My creation.
It is My bounden Responsibility
To mould you and shape you
In My own Image.
You have just to love Me unreservedly
And, if it is possible, unconditionally.
Be happy. Remain happy.
Your zenith-perfection-life
Is My sole Responsibility.”
My soul is a perpetualGod-manifestation
My outer successTakes a very, very long time
To reach my Lord’s
Heavily burdened Ears.
My inner progressSooner than at once
Reaches my Lord’s
Eager Ears.
My Lord,Do You ever get tired?
“My child, I do.
I get tired when I read
The lengthier than the lengthiest
Complaint-list from My children
Against My creation.”
My Lord Beloved Supreme,Out of Your infinite Bounty,
You have made me
A mountain-success.
Now I pray to You to make me
A fountain-progress.
My Lord Beloved Supreme,Today I have a volley of questions.
“My child, I am all ready.”
My Lord,
Where does my obedience stand
In my spiritual life?
“My child, your obedience
Is your pre-school course.”
My Lord,
Where does my love stand
In my spiritual life?
“My child, your love
Is the kindergarten course.”
My Lord,
Where does my devotion stand
In my spiritual life?
“My child, your devotion
Is the primary school course.”
My Lord,
Where does my surrender stand?
“My child, your surrender
Is your high school course.”
My Lord,
My unreserved surrender,
Where does it stand?
“My child,
Your unreserved surrender
Is your college course.”
My Lord,
My unconditional surrender,
Where does it stand?
“My child,
Your unconditional surrender
Is your university course.”
My Lord,
Where does my sleepless, breathless
And unconditional surrender stand?
“My child,
That is your Ph.D. course.”
APR 1234. These prayers were given in Brunei Darussalam — 30 January 2002.↩
My Lord,When I exploit Your indulgence,
What happens to me?
“My child,
You are the one to feel and know
What happens when you exploit
My indulgence.”
My Lord,
We all talk about self-indulgence.
What actually is self-indulgence?
“My child,
Self-indulgence drastically reduces
The God-oneness-dream-capacity.”
My Lord,Will I ever be able to please You
In Your own Way?
“My child,
You will be able to please Me
In My own Way
Only when you live on earth
Only for me,
And not for your doubting,
Criticising, suspecting, torturing
And annihilating mind.”
Editor's note
Sri Chinmoy offered These prayers during his visit to Viet Nam and Brunei Darussalam in January 2002.