My evening descends

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1 January

My evening descends
To feed me
With the Silence-Bliss
Of God's Footfalls.

2 January

My evening descends
To help me breathe the fragrance
Of a new dream-world.

3 January

My evening descends,
And I affectionately offer my evening
My day's success-joys
And failure-sorrows.

4 January

My evening descends
To see
The beauty-heart of my day
And the duty-life of my day.

5 January

My evening descends
To liberate me
From my day's paralysing worries
And anxieties.

6 January

My evening descends
To teach me
How to hear in silence
The heartbeat of the vastness-world.

7 January

My evening descends
To request me
To welcome its peace-blossoms
With my heart's receptivity-depth.

8 January

My evening descends
To teach me
How to crush all my day's
Wrong and negative thoughts

9 January

My evening descends,
And I see and feel
That even the very dust
Of my evening-world
Is full of celestial bliss.

10 January

My evening descends
With a powerful shower
Of bountiful silence.

11 January

My evening descends
And smilingly tells me
That tomorrow I will be
A non-stop enthusiasm-dynamo.

12 January

My evening descends
And proudly transforms
My day's oneness-hunger
Into my night's fulness-feast.

13 January

My evening descends
And unconditionally gives me
A new and direct aspiration-line
To my Absolute Lord Supreme.

14 January

My evening descends
And immediately takes away
My day's sighing tears
And gives me
Its own dancing smiles.

15 January

My evening descends
With its silence-wings.

16 January

My evening descends,
And my heart-tears for God
Fall like beauty's ecstasy-rain.

17 January

My evening descends
With a plentiful supply
Of inner patience
And outer tolerance.

18 January

My evening descends
And carries a special message for me
From God:
"I love you, My child.
And I shall always accept your service,
No matter what you think of yourself."

19 January

My evening descends
And summarily dethrones
My mind-president of the day
And smilingly enthrones
My heart-president for the entire night.

20 January

My evening descends
And tells my questioning mind:
"Go you must, immediately!"
And tells my questing heart:
"Come in, my child, come in."

21 January

My evening descends,
And my gratitude-heart
Immediately gives my evening
A magnificent welcome.

22 January

My evening descends
And, in no time, expedites
My God-discovery-aspiration-journey.

23 January

My evening descends
To bless me
With the warmest affection-blanket
Of God's own Eye.

24 January

My evening descends
To advise me
To live in the heart of mankind
And not in the eyes of mankind.

25 January

My evening descends
And assures me
That my God-fulfilment-willingness
Can never be wanting in capacity.

26 January

My evening descends
And affectionately asks my mind
To leave its information-house
And live in my heart's illumination-home.

27 January

My evening descends
To give me a very special award
For my God-surrender-choice.

28 January

My evening descends
And asks my mind
Why it stays in its traffic jam of thoughts,
Instead of accepting the kind invitation
Of my beautiful and fruitful silence-heart.

29 January

My evening descends
And tells me
That it is ready to accept
Unconditionally from me
My day's resentment-mind
And disappointment-heart.

30 January

My evening descends
And smilingly makes me
A peaceful citizen
Of God's inner Universe.

31 January

My evening descends,
And I tell it:
"My heart is all gratitude to you
For your teeming blessings
In increasing my Eternity's silence-thirst."


1 February

My evening descends
And blesses me with wisdom-light.
It tells me that my outer playful life
Is the perfect manifestation
Of my inner prayerful heart.

2 February

My evening descends,
And I notice something significant:
I felt during the day
That I was an aspiration-bloom,
But now I feel
That I am an aspiration-blossom.

3 February

My evening descends,
And I ask it:
"What is the fastest way to please God?"
My evening answers:
"Just become a God-devotion-magnet."

4 February

My evening descends
And tells me
That I must not allow ignorance-night
To take me away
From God's Compassion-Light.

5 February

My evening descends
To tell me
That it has brought
A new love-fragrance-promise
For me to please God.

6 February

My evening descends
And tells me
That my cheerfulness-mind
And my fulness-heart
Are God's two extraordinary Victories.

7 February

My evening descends
And gives me
A new devotion-magnet-gift
To pull God towards me.

8 February

My evening descends
And I immediately and gladly
Start breathing out
All my mind's destructive anxiety-fumes.

9 February

My evening descends,
And my mind is no longer dizzy
With restless and useless thoughts.

10 February

My evening descends
And blesses me
With an invincible faith
To brighten all my heart-moments.

11 February

My evening descends
And tells me
That during the day
I was a crowd-pleaser,
And now I must be a God-pleaser.

12 February

My evening descends
To tell me
That the progress-train is waiting
To take me
To God's Satisfaction-Station.

13 February

My evening descends
To increase my life's

14 February

My evening descends
And implores me
Not to remain a self-styled
Freelance seeker,
But to become
A full-time God-lover.

15 February

My evening descends
To energise my tired heart
With new God-reaching hopes.

16 February

My evening descends
To deliver me
From frustration-city,
Which is covered by darkness-fog.

17 February

My evening descends
With a special message from God:
I have His full Approval
To fight against and conquer
My mind's all-devouring ignorance-tiger.

18 February

My evening descends
To revive
My God-pleasing readiness-mind
And God-fulfilling willingness-heart.

19 February

My evening descends
To remove the heaviest
From my mind.

20 February

My evening descends
With its silence-peace
To soothe my mind
And save my heart.

21 February

My evening descends
To teach me how to shed
Devotion-flooded tears
To please my Lord Supreme
Always in His own Way.

22 February

My evening descends
And advises my mind
To be purity-depth,
Advises my heart
To be sincerity-depth
And advises my life
To be simplicity-depth.

23 February

My evening descends
And tells me
Not to be afraid of any disadvantage
In my life,
For each disadvantage
Unconsciously helps me
To strengthen my mind,
Widen my heart
And enlighten my life.

24 February

My evening descends
And tells me
That my God-aspiration
Is not sufficient unto itself,
My God-dedication
Is not sufficient unto itself,
But my unconditional God-surrender
Definitely is sufficient unto itself.

25 February

My evening descends
And illumines me by telling me
That my speaking mouth
May one day fail,
But my silence-heart
And my silence-eyes
Will never fail.

26 February

My evening descends
And tells me
That when I fail to fulfil
My God-manifestation-promises,
I do not realise
That I crucify the Heart of God.

27 February

My evening descends
And tells me
To be a constant self-giver
During the day
So that I may live
Not only in the Applause,
But also in the Embrace
Of God.

28 February

My evening descends
And advises me
To open my wisdom-eye
And breathe in the fragrance
Of my heart's God-garden.

29 February

My evening descends
And tells me
To be a man-server
During the entire day.
Then only will God make me
A great God-dreamer
And a good God-lover
During the entire night.


1 March

My evening descends
And asks my heart
To help my soul
Place my giant ego-mind
Under arrest.

2 March

My evening descends
And lovingly teaches me
How to be imperturbable
In my aspiration-heart
And how to be indomitable
In my dedication-life.

3 March

My evening descends
And I see deep down
In the privacy of my heart
That my Lord is whispering to me
To sing the song
Of God-satisfaction on earth.

4 March

My evening descends
And tells me that soon
God will hire my peace-flooded heart
To carry Him wherever He wants to go.

5 March

My evening descends,
And from it I learn
How to soar in silence
And also how to silence
My vital-roars.

6 March

My evening descends,
And I ask my Lord Supreme:
"Will humanity ever receive Your Light?"
My Lord Supreme immediately tells me
That humanity's life-train
Is definitely proceeding forwards
And not backwards.

7 March

My evening descends,
And I ask the Goddess of the Evening
What happens when I hurt God
During the day.
She says to me:
"If you hurt Him during the day,
Then God limps throughout the entire night."

8 March

My evening descends
To rescue my heart
From my day's God-oblivion.

9 March

My evening descends
And immediately blesses me
With its powerful silence,
So that I can run fast, very fast,
Along the royal road of spirituality.

10 March

My evening descends
And gives me,
Lovingly and smilingly,
The immortal Breath
Of God's Heart-Dream.

11 March

My evening descends
And smilingly presents me
With its fount of infinite

12 March

My evening descends
And cheerfully teaches me
How to knock gently and self-givingly
At God's Heart-Door.

13 March

My evening descends
With its fully-blossomed humility
To teach me
How to touch God's Feet.

14 March

My evening descends
To transform my God-service-day
Into my God-worship-night.

15 March

My evening descends
To transform my intense desire-day-prayers
Into my God-Will-surrender-night.

16 March

My evening descends
To help me stop repeating
My wrong thought-deeds
Of the day.

17 March

My evening descends
To relieve my mind
From the day's
Heaviest ignorance-weight.

18 March

My evening descends
To tell me
The simple Truth:
God is in all;
The simpler Truth:
God is for all;
The simplest Truth:
God is All.

19 March

My evening descends
To tell me
That life is a very strict school
When I want only to possess God.

20 March

My evening descends
To tell me
That life is the best entertainment-enjoyment
When I surrender myself
Untiringly and unconditionally to God.

21 March

My evening descends
To advise me
That what I need is an inner lighthouse
And not an outer powerhouse.

22 March

My evening descends
To advise me
That my desire-thirst,
Which has been growing for years,
Can and shall finally disappear.

23 March

My evening descends
To advise me
That my aspiration-hunger
Will sleeplessly grow
And breathlessly glow

24 March

My evening descends
And tells me
That my aspiration for fame in life
Can never be God's inner Will
Nor even His outer Intention.

25 March

My evening descends
And most affectionately advises me
Not to allow my God-fulfilment-eagerness
To hesitate
Even for a fleeting second.

26 March

My evening descends
And tells me
That my hurtful doubt
Has created a bottomless confusion-sea
Inside my mind.

27 March

My evening descends
And tells me
That my faith
Is God's fathomless Nectar-Ocean-Bliss.

28 March

My evening descends
And tells me
That if I really want to be happy,
Then I must tell God sincerely
That I do believe in Him,
I do feel His Love
And I do want to transform
My earth-bound desire-life into
My Heaven-free aspiration-breath.

29 March

My evening descends
And tells me
To pray to God for only one thing:
For Him to chase away
My aspiration-heart-slumber.

30 March

My evening descends
And tells me
That if I make my surrender to God's Will
Complete and perfect,
Then God will not withhold from me
Any of His endless Secrets.

31 March

My evening descends
And lovingly advises me
To give equal importance
To the call
Of the crying earth
And to the call
Of the smiling Heaven.


1 April

My evening descends
And tells me
To abandon the desire
To make a noise in the world,
If I really want to be happy.

2 April

My evening descends
To help me transform my sorrowful day
Into silence-happiness-night.

3 April

My evening descends,
And I sadly tell it:
"Alas, my noisy and busy day
Hurried me towards nowhere."
My evening consoles me:
"I am bringing silence back
Into your heart and life.
In silence you will see your goal

4 April

My evening descends
And tells me
To continue studying the oldest philosophy:
"Let Thy Will be done."
This philosophy is not only immortal,
But also by far the best.

5 April

My evening descends
And tells me:
"God always cries
For your perfection.
Will you ever cry
For God's Satisfaction
In His own Way?"

6 April

My evening descends
And tells me
That a heart devoid of devotion
For God
Signifies a futile life.

7 April

My evening descends
And tells me:
"Do not hanker after any other power
Than mastery over your own mind,
If happiness is what you really want."

8 April

My evening descends
And tells me
To keep under arrest
My doubt-cherishing mind.

9 April

My evening descends
And tells me I must feel and realise
That all the good, inspiring and
Illumining thoughts
That I had during the day
Are unparalleled achievements.

10 April

My evening descends
And advises me
To allow only Eternity's Boatman
To steer my life-boat.

11 April

My evening descends
And tells me
To become the strongest God-believer
So that I can also become
The happiest God-lover.

12 April

My evening descends
And tells me
That I do not have to torture myself
To become good.
I shall automatically become good
If I long for God's Compassion-Light
And Forgiveness-Delight.

13 April

My evening descends
And instructs me to become
An unconditional surrender-specialist
If I want to be
A most favourite child of God.

14 April

My evening descends
And lovingly tells me
That I shall never be able to become
A candidate for God-realisation
Unless and until I make friends
With silence.

15 April

My evening descends,
And I wander no more
In the desert of dissatisfaction.

16 April

My evening descends,
And soulfully I ask it
To show me the gateway to goodness.
Gladly it accedes to my request.

17 April

My evening descends
And asks me to be careful
Not to offend my soul
During the day,
For to offend my soul
Is to move farther away
From God the Smiler.

18 April

My evening descends
And tells me
The secret of secrets:
My sleepless willingness
Is the only thing
That can please God in God's own Way.

19 April

My evening descends,
And to my great surprise
I have now become
Consciously and happily
A member of the Pro-God Party.

20 April

My evening descends,
And to my great joy and satisfaction
I become a full-time God-seeker,
And no longer
A part-time God-seeker,
As I was during the day.

21 April

My evening descends
And immediately inspires and energises me
To seek the way
To my heart's sacred hope-temple.

22 April

My evening descends,
And now I fully understand
The language of the heart,
Whereas during the day
I spoke only the language of the mind.

23 April

My evening descends
And lovingly tells me
To be a God-lover
Who never wants to be off duty.

24 April

My evening descends,
And I discover that
I have escaped from my desire-mind-jungle.
Where am I now?
Lo, I am now inside my aspiration-heart-garden.

25 April

My evening descends,
And it unconditionally employs me
To work at God's Victory-Factory.

26 April

My evening descends,
And I ask it
How I can become perfect.
It tells me:
"To become perfect, what you need
Is a willingness-heart
And an eagerness-breath."

27 April

My evening descends,
And suddenly my mind is energised
And my heart is thrilled
To ring God's Heart-Bell.

28 April

My evening descends,
And I ask it
How I can be happy.
My evening tells me just to invoke
God's Compassion-Eye.

29 April

My evening descends
And immediately helps my Lord Supreme
To plant a new world
Inside my heart-garden.

30 April

My evening descends
And tells me
To collect rainbow-blossoms
To be blessed
With God's brightest and proudest Smiles.


1 May

My evening descends
And tells me
That I should be an inner thrill first
And only then will God ring
His Heart's Satisfaction-Bell.

2 May

My evening descends
And tells me
That a spiritual Master is he
Whose inner life
Is made of breathless cries
And whose outer life
Is made of sleepless smiles.

3 May

My evening descends
And tells me
That when my heartbeat
And the heartbeat of silence
Are in perfect harmony,
God will immediately come
And stand before me.

4 May

My evening descends
And lovingly advises me
To be extremely conscious and cautious
All the time
So that my mind's doubt-dust
Cannot obscure the faith-blossoms
Of my God-loving heart.

5 May

My evening descends,
And I immediately join it
In singing God's ever-transcending Glories.

6 May

My evening descends
And immediately wipes away
My teeming failure-tears
Of the day.

7 May

My evening descends
And tells me
To love God inside my enemies
Exactly the way I love God
Inside my friends
To make my aspiration-progress
Infinitely faster.

8 May

My evening descends,
And I tell it
That I love its silence-divinity immensely.
My evening immediately tells me:
"But I want you to love
Only God's infinite Compassion."

9 May

My evening descends
And compassionately tells me
That I do not have to remain paralysed any longer
By the worries and anxieties of the day.
It will present me with a new hope,
A new inspiration, a new aspiration
And a pure and sure life of dynamism.

10 May

My evening descends
And advises me
To take purity
As an invaluable companion
Of my heart,
As an invaluable companion
Of my mind
And simplicity
As an invaluable companion
Of my life.

11 May

My evening descends,
And I ask it
If it can tell me how to have
A guilt-free mind.
My evening replies:
"Just become a true God-lover.
Then your guilt-torturing mind
Will be forced to leave you
For good."

12 May

My evening descends,
And I tell it
That my day blesses me
With worries
And my evening blesses me
With hopes.
My evening adds:
"And God blesses you
With both powerful promises
And fruitful fulfilments."

13 May

My evening descends,
And I ask it
How I can have
Sleepless and breathless aspiration.
My evening lovingly says to me,
"What you need
Is a silent, plus speechless, mind."

14 May

My evening descends,
And I ask it
How I can stay in a cheerful frame of mind.
My evening tells me that what I need
Is a God-devotion-life
And a God-surrender-heart.

15 May

My evening descends,
And I ask it
What is the sweetest thing I have
According to God.
My evening tells me
That according to God,
My gratitude-heart
Is by far my sweetest possession.

16 May

My evening descends,
And I ask it
How I can spend my night
With fathomless happiness.
My evening says,
"Do not wave your mind's ego-flag
The way you did during the entire day."

17 May

My evening descends,
And I ask it
What I can expect from salvation
And from realisation.
My evening tells me I can expect
That salvation will give me freedom
From my sins
And realisation will give me
Constant and absolute oneness
With God.

18 May

My evening descends
And advises me
To be careful in what I say
And prayerful in what I do.

19 May

My evening descends
And advises me
To be creative and affirmative
In every possible way
To please both God and humanity.

20 May

My evening descends
And asks me
If I would like to be
God's Perfection-partner
Or His Satisfaction-partner.
I immediately say,
"His Satisfaction-partner."

21 May

My evening descends
And blesses me
With a large supply of peace
So that I can have
A oneness-world-heart.

22 May

My evening descends,
And I ask it
Where real happiness is.
My evening tells me that real happiness
Is beyond the reach of my mind
But within easy reach of my heart.

23 May

My evening descends
And immediately fills my heart-vessel
With peace-purity.

24 May

My evening descends,
And a new wave of joy
Feeds my heart.

25 May

My evening descends,
And I powerfully crush
All my despair-thoughts
Long before they take birth
So that I can pass my evening and night
Happily and cheerfully.

26 May

My evening descends
To make my life
As beautiful as my heart-garden.

27 May

My evening descends,
And I immediately feel
That I have become once more
The intensity-breath of my aspiration-life.

28 May

My evening descends,
And my God-satisfaction-eagerness
Starts to roar.

29 May

My evening descends
And immediately prevents
My doubting mind
From entering into
My heart-temple.

30 May

My evening descends
And replaces my fearful mind
With my tearful heart
So that my breath can be pure
For God-worship.

31 May

My evening descends
And unconditionally helps me
To enjoy my soul's God-oneness-beauty.


1 June

My evening descends
And unreservedly teaches my heart
To smile and fly
In the silence-flooded sky.

2 June

My evening descends,
Sweetening not only my mind
But also all its thoughts.

3 June

My evening descends
And makes my eyes soulfully tearful
For my perfect God-adoration.

4 June

My evening descends,
And I ask it
What I sleeplessly and breathlessly need.
My evening smilingly tells me:
"God-obedience, nothing more
And nothing less."

5 June

My evening descends
And blesses me unreservedly
With the silence-peace-beauty
Of the setting sun.

6 June

My evening descends,
And from deep within my heart,
The capacity emerges
For me to fly into the Beyond.

7 June

My evening descends,
And I become a conscious God-dreamer,
Whereas during the day
I was an unconscious God-thinker.

8 June

My evening descends
To increase the beauty
Of my aspiration-heart-home.

9 June

My evening descends
And commands me
Not to swerve
From the path of God-obedience.

10 June

My evening descends
And advises me
To take regular detachment-lessons
From my illumination-soul.

11 June

My evening descends
And in no time gives me
A genuinely God-thirsty mind
And a genuinely God-hungry heart.

12 June

My evening descends
And gives me calmness
To increase my eagerness
For my God-oneness.

13 June

My evening descends,
And I no longer see
The iron chains of my desire-day.
What I have now
Is a mind of poise.
What I am now
Is a heart of peace.

14 June

My evening descends,
And I see my mind surrendering
All its restless and useless thought-waves
To the infinite peace-ocean of my soul.

15 June

My evening descends
And inspires me to become
My heart's sincerity-tears
For God's Compassion-Eye.

16 June

My evening descends
And lovingly teaches me
How to pray to God,
How to meditate on God
And how to love God

17 June

My evening descends
And tells me
That there is only one ultimate solution
To all my earthly problems:
My earth-love-life-transformation
For my Heaven-love-life-manifestation.

18 June

My evening descends
And tells me
That I must not see spirituality
As a world-frightening force,
But as a world-illumining power.

19 June

My evening descends
And tells me
That my life's loudest voice
Must have a silence-heart-cry
As its only source.

20 June

My evening descends
And tells me
That what I need
Is not a monk-like life,
But a soul-like breath.

21 June

My evening descends
And tells me
To pray self-givingly
To God the Silence
To remove from my mind
All my age-old thought-impurities.
God will definitely listen to my prayer.

22 June

My evening descends,
And I no longer live inside
My God-reasoning mind.
I now live inside
My God-listening heart.

23 June

My evening descends,
And now I am enjoying

24 June

My evening descends,
And now I am more sincerely
And more devotedly trying
To free myself
From my day's desire-bondage-shackles.

25 June

My evening descends,
And I replace my day's storyteller-mind
With my God-singer-heart.

26 June

My evening descends
And encourages me
To plant my aspiration-plant
Inside my heart
For my tomorrow's fulfilment-life-promise.

27 June

My evening descends
And is followed by
God's Forgiveness-Nectar-Footsteps.

28 June

My evening descends
And advises me
To combine my heart-patience
And my mind-courage
To establish God-Victory
In my life.

29 June

My evening descends,
And I tell my God-peace-lover-friends
That evening is by far the best time
To make the mind
Peaceful, beautiful and fruitful.

30 June

My evening descends
And immediately blesses me
With a new supply of aspiration-flames
And a new supply of dedication-blossoms.


1 July

My evening descends,
And my day's frustration-life
Meets with God's Compassion-Heart-Smile.

2 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That during the day
My mind has amassed
A mine of information,
And now I must inspire my heart
To sit on the top
Of silence-mountain.

3 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That the easiest and safest way
Of winning God's infinite Love
Is to ply my life-boat
Between my heart's eagerness-shore
And my life's enthusiasm-shore.

4 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That I can approach God
Only after I have forcefully placed ignorance
At my Lord's Feet.

5 July

My evening descends
And tells me
To revive my willingness-mind
And my eagerness-heart
So that God can breathe in
His Satisfaction-Delight.

6 July

My evening descends
And tells me
Not to abide in
But to participate in
The soul's aspiration-expedition.

7 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That if I am really sincere,
God will show me His hidden Paths
To arrive at my destination.

8 July

My evening descends,
And I tell myself that I must not
Keep my Lord Supreme waiting.

9 July

My evening descends
And commands my mind
To enjoy my love-fragrance-heart
For God.

10 July

My evening descends
And shows me the way
To walk along the road
Of God-Fulfilment-Satisfaction.

11 July

My evening descends,
And my God-hunger-torn heart
Helplessly sheds tears
For God's Compassion-Eye-Arrival.

12 July

My evening descends
And blesses me
With a heart-hope-blossom.

13 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That I must not
Even for a fleeting second
Be found inside my mind's
Ruthless confusion-net.

14 July

My evening descends
And tells me
To pull down God's Satisfaction-Heart
With my devotion-heart-magnet.

15 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That God will read my heart-letters
Only if they are sent
By my life's gratitude-post.

16 July

My evening descends
And tells me:
"Collect God-Satisfaction-Smiles."

17 July

My evening descends
And tells me what I need:
Not my mind-crucifixion,
But my mind-perfection.

18 July

My evening descends
And immediately takes me
Into the temple
Of God-surrender-bliss.

19 July

My evening descends
And tells me to be satisfied
Only when I can enjoy

20 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That if I want my heart-garden to thrive,
I must immediately welcome
From all corners of the globe.

21 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That unconditional surrender
Is the only essence
Of a true God-lover.

22 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That because pride found me,
I lost my way.

My evening descends
And tells me
To allow humility to find me
So that I can find my way.

23 July

My evening descends
And advises me
To surrender unconditionally
To God's Will,
So that my heart's aspiration-flames
Can reach the summit-heights.

24 July

My evening descends
And lovingly whispers:
"Each self-offering heart
Is a God in the making."

25 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That God keeps His Heart's Peace-Door
Wide open
Only to my heart's surrender-smiles.

26 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That God wants from human beings
Only one thing:
Constant progress.

27 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That if I love God
Not only unreservedly,
But also unconditionally,
God Himself will help me
To manifest Him
At His own choice Hour.

28 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That if I do not claim God
As my own, very own,
Then my heart is bound to remain heavy
With fear, anxiety and insecurity.

29 July

My evening descends
To tell me
That God will accompany me
Only if I invite peace
To accompany us.

30 July

My evening descends
And advises me
To live between
My self-effacement
And my God-enlightenment.

31 July

My evening descends
And tells me
That my happiness is a God-gift,
And not my aspiration-result.


1 August

My evening descends
And tells me
That I can go far beyond
The Heavenly stars
If I can offer
My gratitude-heart-blossoms
Sleeplessly and breathlessly.

2 August

My evening descends
And tells me
That what I need is not
A mind to understand,
But a heart to surrender.

3 August

My evening descends
And tells me
That to make my heart-sky
Vaster than the vastest,
I must welcome the Compassion-Eye
Of my Lord Beloved Supreme.

4 August

My evening descends
And tells me
That silence has to interview me first,
Long before God grants me an interview.

5 August

My evening descends
And tells me
That I do not have to offer God
A flood of tears
To conquer His Heart.
What I need to offer is only
A most sincere tear
From my heart-eye.

6 August

My evening descends
And tells me
That a true aspiration-heart
And a true dedication-life
Are founded upon
God the Smiler's Fulness-Heart.

7 August

My evening descends
And advises me
To pray to God for a gratitude-fountain
In order to claim
God's Infinitude-Mountain.

8 August

My evening descends
And tells me
To adorn my mind
With purity-thoughts
To see God's Compassion-Eye
And Satisfaction-Heart
Face to face.

9 August

My evening descends,
And my inspiration-mind
Feels God's magic Touch,
While my aspiration-heart
Breathes God's Fragrance-Heart.

10 August

My evening descends,
And my mind's sincerity-waves
Surprise all,
While my heart's purity-sea
Conquers all.

11 August

My evening descends
And tells me
That I need only one thing:
A constantly soaring oneness-heart.

12 August

My evening descends,
And I have unreservedly, self-givingly
And unconditionally
Become one with all human sufferings.

13 August

My evening descends
And tells me
That only with a purity-heart-foundation
Shall I be able to fly
In the skies of freedom and peace.

14 August

My evening descends
And tells me
That each and every human being
Needs self-control in abundance
To enjoy the delight of Heaven
Here on earth.

15 August

My evening descends
And kindly informs me
That no matter what I did or said during the day,
God still keeps me as a solid member
Of His Light-Manifestation-Team on earth.

16 August

My evening descends
And advises me to develop
Sleepless and breathless willingness and eagerness
To please God in His own Way.

17 August

My evening descends
And tells me
That if my fear of God was powerful
During the day,
Then I must develop my love of God
Here and now
Infinitely more powerfully.

18 August

My evening descends,
And my soul's light
Is brightening and expediting
My heart-journey towards God.

19 August

My evening descends
And most compassionately tells me
That if I want to win the inner race,
Every day without fail,
I must push beyond my limitations.

20 August

My evening descends
And tells me
That real happiness blossoms
Only in the soil of God-surrender.

21 August

My evening descends
And advises me
To use my heart's faith-elevator
To ascend faster than the fastest.

22 August

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
I thought God was logical,
Now I clearly see
That my Lord of Compassion
Is nothing but magical.

23 August

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
I told God my life-stories happily,
Now my Lord is singing
His Heart-Songs for me happily
Plus proudly.

24 August

My evening descends,
And now I am united
With the evening's climbing aspiration,
Instead of
With the day's frustration.

25 August

My evening descends,
And now I am a God-determination
And God-satisfaction-heart
Instead of a vacillation-indecision-mind.

26 August

My evening descends,
And I realise
That I need not travel around
To discover God's Eye,
For now I see not only God's Eye
But also God's Heart
Here, there and everywhere.

27 August

My evening descends,
And I love God
Not for His Eternity,
Not for His Infinity,
Not for His Immortality,
But for His Compassion-Eyes,
For His Compassion-Smiles
And for His Compassion-Tears.

28 August

My evening descends,
And I clearly see and feel
That there is nothing to worry about,
Whereas during the day
Each and every thing worried me.

29 August

My evening descends
And affectionately reminds me
Of my cheerful and unconditional
Love, devotion and surrender
To God's Will.

30 August

My evening descends,
And I ask it:
"Is there any other way
To make the fastest progress?"
My evening replies:
"Just keep your heart young
And your mind innocent."

31 August

My evening descends
And blesses me
With a God-Peace-necessity-heart,
Whereas my morning blessed me
With a God-Power-curiosity-mind.


1 September

My evening descends,
And my mind carefully,
My heart devotedly
And my life self-givingly
Follow the footsteps of peace.

2 September

My evening descends,
And God's Compassion
And my heart's surrender
Sing, play and dance
With carefree abandon.

3 September

My evening descends,
And what do I do?
I just send my day's
To its extinction.

4 September

My evening descends
And immediately removes from me
My God-acceptance-hesitation-intruders,
My God-doubt-stubbornness-intruders
And my God-unwillingness-indulgence-intruders.

5 September

My evening descends,
And my heart, which during the day
Was a God-hope-fountain,
Is now a God-promise-mountain.

6 September

My evening descends,
And now I am
A world-enlightenment-seeker,
Whereas during the day I was
A world-excitement-enjoyer.

7 September

My evening descends,
And I see that my heart's
Morning God-aspiration-plant
Has now grown into
A God-manifestation-tree.

8 September

My evening descends
And smilingly, lovingly
And self-givingly assures me
That I shall have a fruitful

9 September

My evening descends,
And I join the pilgrim-heart-seekers
In their God-pilgrimage-destination.

10 September

My evening descends
And gladly helps me
To journey through the kingdom
Of blossoming silence.

11 September

My evening descends
With a peace-flooded dream
From Heaven
For my heart to treasure.

12 September

My evening descends,
And my fleeting God-gratitude-mind
Has now become
An abiding God-gratitude-heart.

13 September

My evening descends,
And my God-expecting seeker-heart
Has now become
A God-surrendering lover-life.

14 September

My evening descends,
And God is no longer knocking
At my mind's hesitation-confusion-door.
God is now entering
My heart's wide-open aspiration-surrender-door.

15 September

My evening descends,
And now I am
A fulness-heart-hunger
Whereas during the day I was
A newness-mind-thirst.

16 September

My evening descends
And inspires me
To spread my aspiration-wings
And fly and fly
Ceaselessly and self-givingly.

17 September

My evening descends,
And I see that
God's Compassion-Eye
And the beauty of nature
Are feeding my aspiration-heart.

18 September

My evening descends,
And my heart's God-Satisfaction-hope-size
Increases enormously.

19 September

My evening descends,
And my world-tolerance-forbearance-capacity
Increases astonishingly.

20 September

My evening descends,
And my highest aspiration
And God's surest Compassion
Enjoy playing hide-and-seek.

21 September

My evening descends,
And I greet God,
My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Unlike the way I greet Him
During the day.

22 September

My evening descends,
And my Lord Supreme enjoys
Talking to my heart's gratitude-smiles.

23 September

My evening descends,
And God now utters a new prophecy:
"My child, you are bound to succeed
In your self-giving and God-depending life."

24 September

My evening descends,
And I unmistakably and unreservedly feel
That God and God's Peace
Are taking care of me.

25 September

My evening descends,
And I see and feel everywhere
God's Sweetness-Presence.

26 September

My evening descends,
And now my heart reminds God
To forgive me,
Whereas during the day
God reminds my mind
To remember Him.

27 September

My evening descends,
And God's Eye invites my heart
To ascend,
While God's Feet give my heart
The capacity to ascend.

28 September

My evening descends,
And God's blessingful Eye is asking
For my undivided attention.

29 September

My evening descends
And gives me its silence-peace
To increase my speed
On the path of love, devotion and surrender.

30 September

My evening descends
And immediately invites me
To be in the most gracious
And most precious company
Of peace.


1 October

My evening descends
And reminds me again and again
That my heart was born
For the fastest upward flight
Every day.

2 October

My evening descends,
And I prayerfully see my Lord Supreme
Entering my heart
With His own Heart-Songs.

3 October

My evening descends,
And I feel that now is the right time
For me to spread
My God-devotion-ecstasy-wings.

4 October

My evening descends
And fortifies my mind's
Doubt-shattering confidence

5 October

My evening descends,
And now I am
My heart's surrender-victory
Instead of
My mind's determination-success.

6 October

My evening descends,
And surprisingly enough,
I am climbing my heart-ladder
Most easily, most speedily
And most perfectly.

7 October

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
My Lord was so demanding,
Now my Lord is so amusing
And entertaining.

8 October

My evening descends,
And quite unsought,
I am having secret and sacred glimpses
Of Heaven's Peace-Gardens.

9 October

My evening descends,
And unlike during the day,
My faith in God has become
A power-flooded citadel.

10 October

My evening descends,
And I am now enjoying
The final triumph of my heart's faith
Over my mind's doubt
In the realm of my God-manifestation.

11 October

My evening descends,
And I am praying and hoping
That I shall soon become the possessor
Of a totally transformed mind.

12 October

My evening descends,
And finally the moment has come
To place myself peacefully
At the Feet of God
And to follow the glorious example
Of the evening's silence-life.

13 October

My evening descends,
And its very presence
Has increased immensely
My life's God-thirst
And my heart's God-hunger.

14 October

My evening descends,
And I feel Infinity's Peace
And Immortality's Bliss
Unconditionally beckoning me.

15 October

My evening descends
And gives me
Its very own silence-breath
To pray to God and please God
In His own Way.

16 October

My evening descends,
And while I love the purity
Of my morning prayers,
I love the divinity
Of my evening meditations.

17 October

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
I was a mind-library member,
Now I am a heart-university student.

18 October

My evening descends,
And my heart begins
A desperate search
For silence-peace-blossoms.

19 October

My evening descends
And helps my heart unconditionally
To reach out and touch

20 October

My evening descends,
And I am prayerfully enjoying
The inexhaustible beauty
Of Nature's self-giving life.

21 October

My evening descends,
And I am choosing silence
Not as my mind's entertainment,
But as my heart's enlightenment.

22 October

My evening descends,
And my heart's oneness-door
Is now wide open.

23 October

My evening descends
And destroys the daily inventory
Of my mind's horrors.

24 October

My evening descends,
And God Himself applauds
My silence-loving heart.

25 October

My evening descends,
And slowly, steadily and unerringly
The purity and fragrance of silence
Are coming my way.

26 October

My evening descends,
And the path of my God-surrender-life
Opens before me all by itself.

27 October

My evening descends,
And I am praying to God
To accept the very best
Of my heart's devotion-flooded love.

28 October

My evening descends,
And my God-fulfilment-hope-eyes
Are turning prayerfully and soulfully
To Heaven.

29 October

My evening descends,
And even my mind is longing
For my heart's peace-home.

30 October

My evening descends,
And I clearly see
The word 'gratitude'
In the heart of my God-aspiration-life.

31 October

My evening descends
And immediately prepares me
To climb up to the silence-flooded stars.


1 November

My evening descends,
And I simply do not know
How I am arriving so easily
At silence-pinnacle.

2 November

My evening descends,
And God's Silence-Eye tells me
That my God-commitment-life
Is bound to meet with
My God-enlightenment-eye.

3 November

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
My mind wanted me to climb
To the Heights of Heaven,
Now my heart wants me
To spread my heart-breath
Throughout the length and breadth
Of the earth.

4 November

My evening descends
And tells me
Only one thing:
My heart's cheerfulness
Is God's Victory-Celebration.

5 November

My evening descends,
And whereas during the entire day
I did not realise
That God-disobedience
Was nothing but a losing game,
Now my God-obedience
Is the fastest winning game.

6 November

My evening descends
And makes me see
A beautiful purity-glow
Over my aspiration-heart.

7 November

My evening descends,
And I am overwhelmed with joy
To see that my Lord's Compassion-Eye
And my gratitude-heart
Have perfect faith in each other.

8 November

My evening descends,
And I clearly see
That my outer world
Is an ongoing ignorance-advertisement,
Whereas my inner world
Is an ongoing God-hunger-beauty.

9 November

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
I was an attachment-life,
Now I am a detachment
Plus enlightenment-soul.

10 November

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
I thought and felt that I knew everything
About God,
Now wisdom has dawned upon me.
How I wish to know more of everything
About God!

11 November

My evening descends,
And my life-boat,
With the silence-peace of evening,
Is arriving at God-Satisfaction-Shore.

12 November

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
I was self-employed,
Now I am employed
By God's Compassion-Silence-Eye.

13 November

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
God was fully satisfied
With my self-improvement-efforts,
Now God is extremely delighted
With my God-manifestation-commitments.

14 November

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
God asked me for interesting news,
Now God is asking me
For inspiring and illumining messages.

15 November

My evening descends,
And I smilingly suffer from homesickness
For God's Compassion-Eye
And Perfection-Feet in Heaven.

16 November

My evening descends,
And I am no longer a prisoner
In my mind's God-doubt-existence-jail.
I am now a free bird
Flying in God's Silence-flooded Sky.

17 November

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
I saw my Lord's Eye
Streaming with tears,
Now I do not want to see even one tear
Dropping from God's Eye for me.
I shall make my Lord happy
In His own Way
During the entire evening and night
With my sleepless heart's breathless aspiration.

18 November

My evening descends,
And my Lord is full of praise
For my burning silence-hunger-heart.

19 November

My evening descends
With its ineffable silence-beauty
To feed my God-searching mind
And God-crying heart.

20 November

My evening descends,
And God wants me to explore
His Compassion-Eye
And Forgiveness-Heart.

21 November

My evening descends
And helps me unconditionally
To drink in
God's Silence-Splendour-Lustre.

22 November

My evening descends,
And I am now entering into
The God-Silence-fed

23 November

My evening descends,
And my God-loving heart
Is replacing
My God-searching mind.

24 November

My evening descends
With my soul's silence-delight-songs
To feed my God-hungry heart.

25 November

My evening descends,
And I find myself feeding and enjoying
The beauty of
My heart's aspiration-flames.

26 November

My evening descends,
And God hopes to see in me
A climbing heart,
While I hope to see in God
Two descending Feet.

27 November

My evening descends,
And I clearly see
That my God-longing heart
Once more will rise up and fly
In God's Compassion-flooded Sky.

28 November

My evening descends,
And my contemplation-heart is breathless
With God-Arrival-anticipation.

29 November

My evening descends,
And I feel my aspiration-heart
Thrillingly and throbbingly
Close to God.

30 November

My evening descends,
And God, out of His infinite Bounty,
Exchanges His Promise-Blossoms
For my hope-blooms.


1 December

My evening descends,
And my mind-disharmony-day
Grows into
My heart-harmony-evening.

2 December

My evening descends
And inspires me
To choose God's Compassion-Eye
And Forgiveness-Feet,
Whereas the day inspired me
To choose God's Power-Hands.

3 December

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
I gave God a thank-you note,
Now I am giving God
My gratitude-devotion-magnet.

4 December

My evening descends,
And God does not want
My mind, vital and body to roar,
But He wants my heart to soar.

5 December

My evening descends,
And God wants me to illumine
My heart-home
With my soul's sweetness-fragrance.

6 December

My evening descends,
And what God hungers
To see in me
At last I have:

7 December

My evening descends
And immediately helps me
To speed up
My God-realisation-race.

8 December

My evening descends,
And I must realise
That my Lord Supreme proudly treasures
My heart's every devotion-moment.

9 December

My evening descends
To completely shut down
My mind's loudest volume-noise.

10 December

My evening descends,
And I am amazed to see
That my God-obedience-heart
And my God-willingness-mind
Are together singing and playing.

11 December

My evening descends,
And my God-love, God-devotion
And God-surrender
Are accompanying me
On my way to my Lord's Heart-Garden.

12 December

My evening descends,
And I am now finally able
To untie the desire-rope
From my life.

13 December

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
I saw the path,
Now I am taking the path.

14 December

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
My mind and I were in the world of anarchy,
Now my heart and I are in the world
Of order and harmony.

15 December

My evening descends
And teaches me
How to give joy
To God's Silence-Eye.

16 December

My evening descends
And tells me
That there is no greater stupidity-mistake
Than to think and feel
That God-realisation is not meant for me.

17 December

My evening descends
And tells me
That I have already made a Himalayan blunder
By saying that I do not love God,
And now it does not want me
To make it infinitely worse
By saying that I do not need God.

18 December

My evening descends
With a new hope-promise-angel
To touch my eyes,
My heart
And my life.

19 December

My evening descends,
And my Lord Supreme is sighing
With great relief
That I am determined once more
To love Him and please Him
In His own Way.

20 December

My evening descends
And tells me:
"Remember what you now have:
God's Forgiveness,
And not what you once lost:
Your faith in God."

21 December

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
I met with a host
Of danger-enemies,
Now I am meeting with a host
Of prayer-friends.

22 December

My evening descends
And asks me to invoke silence
And nothing else,
So that my heart can roar
And my breath can soar
To please God in His own Way.

23 December

My evening descends,
And ceaseless tears are dropping
From the Eye of my Lord Beloved Supreme
To make my heart happy.

24 December

My evening descends,
And my silence-soul
Is beckoning
My heart-climber.

25 December

My evening descends,
And I tell it:
"My sister, your blossoming silence
Is my last hope-anchor
For God-service-satisfaction."

26 December

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
Unsolicited and unwanted restlessness
Captured my mind,
Now evening has brought
My heart and my life
An unconditional sea of peace.

27 December

My evening descends,
And finally I grow into
My heart's genuine, open and sincere
Self-giving God-cries.

28 December

My evening descends
And tells me
That its beauty, purity and silence
Are going to help me feel
That my God-realisation
Is within my hope's reach.

29 December

My evening descends
And tells me
That evening does not mean
The end of my aspiration-day.
On the contrary,
It means the increase of
My heart's mounting aspiration-flames.

30 December

My evening descends,
And whereas during the day
Each step I took
Seemed like a step towards tearing misery,
Now I see that each step
Is a step towards beaming joy.

31 December

My evening descends
To tell me
That God has scored
His greatest Triumph
In and through my day's
Unconditional surrender-joy.

Translations of this page: Russian , Bulgarian
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