The Goal is Won
1. Lord, I am tired
Lord, I am tired."Since you are tired, My son,
Even before
Your journey's start,
I shall run for you."
Lord, I am tired.
"Since you are tired, My son,
Even before
Your journey's start,
I shall sail your dream-boat
And reach for you
Your golden Reality-shore."
2. Who am I?
Who was I?Formerly,
A man-slave.
Who am I?
A freedom-lover.
Who shall I be?
Another Perfection-God.
3. My Heaven-stars
My Heaven-starsTell me
I shall become
A living God.
My earth-doubts
Tell me
I am Eternity's
Immortal fool.
4. The bridge
I was the frustration-despair-bridgeBetween
My vital's first dark hour
My body's last deep sleep.
I am the rapture-treasure-bridge
My heart's birthless hour
My soul's deathless life.
5. Three defects
Three defects of doubtAt long last I have discovered:
It fears to come out
Of its prison-mind.
It fears to marry
It fears to believe in
Its own existence-might.
6. I live
I livedTo fly desire-kite.
I live
To brave desire-surge.
I shall live
To bury desire-prince.
7. Just wait and see
With Compassion-rainGod will clasp your life-dreams.
Just wait and see.
With Liberation-train
God will carry your heart-blossoms
To His Promise-Paradise.
Just wait and see.
With Perfection-reign
God will offer you
His Throne of Infinity's Silence-light
His Crown of Eternity's Sound-might.
Just wait and see.
8. Your life-book
Do you want to exclude somethingFrom your life-book?
Exclude your doubt-chapter.
God will bless you
Do you want to include something
In your life-book?
Include your confidence-chapter.
You will bless yourself
9. Four unfinished stories
Four unfinished storiesI must finish:
Man's journey into the Unknown,
Earth's despair-death,
Heaven's indifference-smile,
God's Perfection-dream.
10. Something I often notice
There is somethingI often notice in God.
Do you know what it is?
He cries and tries
And tries and cries
For the transformation-light
Of futility's hush: man.
There is something
I often notice in man.
Do you know what it is?
He smiles and flies
And flies and smiles
Like a cosmic god
Of freedom-skies.
11. Definitions
Definition of the soul:God-manifestation.
Definition of the heart:
Definition of the mind:
Definition of the vital:
Definition of the body:
My definition of God:
12. Be sure to take care
Be sure to take careOf yourself
God wants to see
Your capacity's light.
Be sure to take care
Of God
God wants to test
Your duty's height.
13. No news
No news from death-mireIs always good news.
No news from life-fire
Is always sad news.
No news from earth-temptation
Is always hope-news.
No news from Heaven-illumination
Is always death-news.
14. How I deal with them
My mind's nothingnessI face.
My heart's emptiness
I fill.
My soul's nearness
I treasure.
My body's helplessness
I measure.
15. Be careful!
I see God.Do you doubt me?
Be careful!
God will delay
Your Realisation-light.
I play with God.
Do you doubt me?
Be careful!
God will cancel
Your Perfection-flight.
16. I ascend and descend
With my aspiration-lightI ascend from darkness-cave.
God loves me openly.
With my Realisation-might
I descend from Illumination-palace.
God embraces me proudly.
17. You deceived them
You deceived God;Therefore
Your soul went to sleep.
You deceived man;
Your heart began to cry.
You deceived yourself;
Your life is doomed to sigh.
18. Ashamed and proud
I am ashamedOf my vital's freedom-fame.
I am proud
Of my soul's freedom-game.
God is ashamed
Of my body's ignorance-claim.
God is proud
Of my heart's surrender-flame.
19. What and who
What is Heaven?Harmonious madness.
What is earth?
Contagious sadness.
Who is God?
Precious Dream-sky.
Who is man?
Suspicious reality-sigh.
20. I fear and I brave
I fearThe heavy weight of a fleeting second
When I think of
My ignorance-body.
I brave
The heavy weight of slow centuries
When I meditate on
My illumination-soul.
21. Three things I love
Only three thingsI love:
The child-dance
Of the morning sky.
The hero-lance
Of the mid-day sky.
The yogi-trance
Of the evening sky.
22. They speak louder
Man's passion-floodSpeaks louder than reason-sun.
Man already knows it.
God's Compassion-sea
Speaks louder than temptation-moon.
When will man learn it?
Will man ever learn it?
No, never!
23. I live for him and die for him
SecretlyI live for him
Who loves God.
I die for him
Who loves God.
I live for him
Who knows not how to love.
I die for him
Who knows not how to love.
24. I was exiled
I loved doubt.Therefore
I was exiled
From my eternal God.
I deserved it.
I loved myself.
I was exiled
From my supernal height.
I needed it.
I loved Light.
I was exiled
From my infernal night.
I wanted it.
25. The ladder
Hope is the ladderOf God-ambition.
Promise is the ladder
Of God-aspiration.
Surrender is the ladder
Of God-realisation.
Oneness is the ladder
Of God-perfection.
26. Why they are chosen
Do you want to knowWhy she is chosen?
She is chosen
She loves nobody else
But God.
Do you want to know
Why he is chosen?
He is chosen
He wants to challenge nobody else
But God.
27. The report
God, You wantThe report on the planet earth?
Not so good.
I am afraid
It is dying.
Man, you want
The report on the star sun?
Quite good.
I am happy to say
It is descending
Into man's ignorance-night.
28. What I say
What I sayIs for God to judge.
What I say
Is for man to feel.
What I say
Is for Heaven to measure.
What I say
Is for earth to treasure.
What I say
Is for me to become.
29. Progress!
Intruding thoughts,Stop!
Illumining will,
Dreaming night,
Aspiring day,
30. What is it?
Doubt: what is it?Intentional doing.
Doubt: what is it?
International doing.
Faith: what is it?
Inspirational Light.
Faith: what is it?
31. Dire contradiction
His is the lifeOf dire contradiction.
He loves God the root
But hates man the fruit.
His is the life
Of dire contradiction.
He loves God the Vision-oasis.
But hates man the reality-desert.
32. Flames
What is importantIn Infinity?
Smiling flames.
What is important
In Eternity?
Climbing flames.
What is important
In Immortality?
Glowing flames.
33. Broken promises
I do not trust GodBecause
He has not kept His Promise:
I am nowhere near Him.
God does not trust me
I have not kept my promise:
I still love the company
Of ignorance-life.
34. Why bother?
Why recite God's Name?His Ears are inside your heart.
Why praise God's Glory?
His Eyes are inside your soul.
Why hurry God's Hour?
His Hands are inside your necessity's demand.
35. Their business
God's eternal business:Give and give.
Man's natural business:
Take and take.
Heaven's divine business:
Give and take.
Earth's undivine business:
Take and forget to give.
36. Too little, too late, too soon
Too little!Alas, this is what
I have offered to God.
Too late!
Alas, just today
I have started thinking of God.
Too soon!
Alas, my God has invited me
To sing with Him in the morning,
To dance with Him in the evening.
37. My God
My God is a tempting GodIn the world of my desire-night.
My God is an illumining God
In the world of my aspiration-light.
My God is a fulfilling God
In the world of my realisation-height.
38. Earth-beggar, earth-king
Yesterday's earth-beggar:Desire-night.
Today's earth-Prince:
Tomorrow's earth-King:
39. Examine him
If he feels good,He is good.
Don't doubt him.
If he thinks good,
He is good.
Don't challenge him.
If he says good,
Don't accept him all at once!
Examine him.
I repeat,
Examine him.
40. Merchant of secrets
My confidence is the merchantOf God-secrets
And man-secrets.
Lo, I am man's progress
And God's success.
My fear is the merchant
Of doubt-secrets
And death-secrets.
Lo, I am doubt's failure
And death's disgrace.
41. Realities
Visiting and dreamingAre the realities of the hope-world.
Crying and obtaining
Are the realities of the prayer-world.
Silencing and becoming
Are the realities of the meditation-world.
42. The cost
The cost of forgiveness:Cheaper than nothingness.
The cost of oneness:
Dearer than fulness.
The cost of God-manifestation:
Much more than man-perfection.
43. What are you doing?
God, what are You doingIn Heaven today?
"Son, today I have decided
To please you in your own way.
Son, I am sincere."
"Son, what are you doing
On earth today?"
Father, today I have decided
To challenge You,
To equal You.
Father, I am serious.
44. The souls fascinate me
The coming and goingOf souls bewilders me.
Yet I love it.
The dreaming and expecting
Of souls fascinates me.
Therefore I love it.
The illumining and fulfilling
Of souls awakens me.
Therefore I adore it.
45. Oneness
My heart's gratitudeAnd
God's Compassion:
They are of unbreakable oneness.
My soul's beatitude
God's Infinitude:
They are of inseparable oneness.
46. Do follow me
God, do follow meTo my earth-home.
I shall give You
My long-cherished ignorance
To eat.
"Man, do follow Me
To My Heaven-Home.
I shall give you
My all-immortalising Nectar
To drink."
47. Sharing
In HeavenThe angels share Bliss
With God.
On earth
Men share their doubt-seas
With God.
In my heart
I share my morning smile-flames
My evening tear-worlds
With God.
48. When I go with humility
When I go to GodWith a beggar's humility,
He ignores me
When I go to God
With a seeker's humility,
He loves me
When I go to God
With an emperor's humility,
He embraces me
49. The key
The key to my own soul-homeI have lost.
Therefore, I am a beggar.
The key to the world's body-cave
I have found.
Therefore, I am unquestionably great.
The key to the God-source
I am.
Therefore, God treasures me.
50. Your life
Your aspiration-life grows upBut
Does not grow old.
Your desire-life grows old
Does not grow up.
Your God-life ascends and descends:
Ascends to please man,
Descends to please God.
51. She has and she is
The flowering love-lightShe has.
The towering courage-might
She is.
The perfecting wisdom-sight
She has.
The fulfilling perfection-height
She is.
52. My inner family
My soul lovesAnd achieves.
My heart becomes
And receives.
My mind watches
And perceives.
My vital fights
And surrenders.
My body sleeps
And sinks.
53. What is it?
What is sorrow,If not its own insecurity-hole?
What is happiness,
If not its own Infinity-sea?
What is transcendence,
If not its own Perfection-sun?
54. Endless lessons
My earth-life has taught meEndless imitation.
My Heaven-life has taught me
Endless perfection.
My thought-life has taught me
Endless frustration.
My will-life has taught me
Endless emancipation.
My body-life has taught me
Endless limitation.
My soul-life has taught me
Endless progression.
55. Humility's journey
God-humilityDescends from Heaven-smile.
Ascends from earth-pangs.
My humility
Transcends my divinity-sphere.
56. Eternally perfect
You see without looking;Therefore
You are divinely great.
You see while looking;
You are supremely good.
You love while seeing;
You are eternally perfect.
57. Enough is enough!
Enough is enough!Why do I criticise
God's Perfection-light?
Enough is enough!
Why do I immortalise
My ignorance-night?
Enough is enough!
Why do I summarise
My failure-blight?
58. I gain by losing
I gain wisdom-lightBy losing to God.
I lose humility-crown
By triumphing over God.
I fail by pushing man
In the world of lethargy.
I succeed by pulling myself
In the world of energy.
59. Their activities
A wise man is alwaysBecoming.
A foolish man is always
A sincere man is always
An insincere man is always
60. Their life-work
Leading, yet not dominating;Indeed,
This is the life of the heart.
Dominating, yet not leading;
This is the life of the vital.
Sleeping and surrendering;
This is the life of the body.
61. She creates, he claims
She createsBut
Claims not;
I love her.
He claims
Creates not;
I ignore him.
She creates and creates;
God needs her.
He claims and claims;
Ignorance befriends him.
62. Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible.My wise teacher, God, has taught me so.
I have tried everything,
And success is still a far cry.
Yet my God says: "Stop not!
Continue trying."
Nothing is impossible.
My wild teacher, Vital, has taught me so.
I have tried everything,
And failed in everything.
Now my vital says to me: "Stop trying!
Not worth achieving."
63. She completes, he competes
She does not compete,She completes.
She completes divinely and supremely.
He does not complete,
He competes.
He competes inhumanly and ferociously.
She does not speak,
She acts.
She acts lovingly and unconditionally.
He does not act,
He speaks.
He speaks loudly and proudly.
64. The victory
I felt the victoryOf the world-saviour: Peace.
I smiled and danced.
I see the victory
Of the world-devourer: War.
I sigh and die.
65. Look, foolish ones!
Mind, my foolish mind,Look!
The age of anxiety
Is over.
Heart, my tiny heart,
The age of insecurity
Is over.
Vital, my blind vital,
The age of impurity
Is over.
Body, my poor body,
The age of inferiority
Is over.
66. Poor God, poor man
Poor God,He may be well thought of,
But He is not well loved.
Poor man,
He may be well loved,
But he is not well thought of.
Poor beggar in me,
He is neither well loved
Nor well thought of.
67. Problems of mine
Self-aggrandisementIs an insoluble problem,
I am sure -
At least in my case.
Is an unsolved problem,
I feel -
At least in my case.
I assure you all,
In my case
Is a long-solved problem.
68. Is God partial?
Is God partial?Yes, He is.
He is partial to weak
Human beings.
Because this is the only way
He can elevate and illumine them.
Is God impartial?
Yes, He is.
He is impartial to strong
Cosmic gods.
Because this is the only way
He can train and utilise them.
69. Meditation, what is it?
Meditation, what is it?Yesterday's birthless recollection.
Meditation, what is it?
Today's endless assimilation.
Meditation, what is it?
Tomorrow's deathless Perfection.
70. O my teachers
O my mind,My isolation-teacher,
No more do I need you.
O my heart,
My integration-teacher,
I need you ever-more.
O my vital,
My depression-teacher,
You have taught me
Far beyond my capacity.
O my body,
My humiliation-teacher,
You have taught me
Far beyond my necessity.
71. Audiences
My body's audience:The dead,
Only the dead.
My vital's audience:
The unborn,
Only the unborn.
My mind's audience:
The nothingness-beggars,
Only the nothingness-beggars.
My heart's audience:
The love-emperors,
Only the love-emperors.
72. Familiar faces
DoubtIs familiar as an old and damaging error
Of mine.
Is familiar as an old and brave friend
Of mine.
Is familiar as an old and shameless enemy
Of mine.
Is familiar as an old and yet eternally bold captain
Of mine.
73. God's only man
My doubting mindIs God's only lonely man.
My loving heart
Is God's only lovely man.
My strangling vital
Is God's only failing man.
My sleeping body
Is God's only dying man.
74. God knew it
AlthoughHe lived in his dream-reality,
He really was great.
God and Heaven knew it;
Also I and my devoted heart.
He died in his reality-dream,
He really was good.
God and earth knew it;
Also I and my surrendered heart.
75. The road
Doubt-roadIs the road for the ridiculous.
Is the road for the auspicious.
Is the road for the treacherous.
Is the road for the generous.
76. I need your help
Man, pray for me.I need your help
To feel God's Grace.
God, think of me.
I need Your help
To change man's face.
77. Tell me
Tell me, tell me, God,Do You love me?
"Tell Me, tell Me, child,
Do you think of Me?"
Tell me, tell me, God,
Who will succeed You?
"Tell Me, tell Me, child,
Who will manifest Me?"
78. Three loves
Fear, you are vanishing,And so is my love-life
With ignorance-sea.
Courage, you are dawning,
And so is my love-life
With my Inner Pilot.
Goal, you are fast-approaching,
And so is my love-life
With Perfection-reality.
79. Lord, make me
O Lord, make me notA neutral.
I tremble before
The neurosis of a neutral.
O Lord, make me
A just man.
I love to stand before
The purity of a just man.
O Lord, make me
A perfect man.
I am dying to see
The face of a perfect man.
80. Head down, feet up!
Head down,Feet up!
Lo, you have surrendered
To earth's devouring night.
Feet down,
Head up!
Lo, Heaven has surrendered
To your all-knowing Light.
81. Not uncommon
MeditationIn life-emergency
Is not uncommon
For an insincere man.
In fulfilled sufficiency
Is not uncommon
For a sincere man.
In God-urgency,
In man-urgency,
Is not uncommon
For a truth-lover
A life-builder.
82. Doubt-cure
For man-doubtI believe
There is a cure.
For God-doubt
I am not sure
There is a cure.
For self-doubt
I am sure
There is no cure.
83. Is God lonely?
Is God lonely?Yes, He is.
Because I forgot
To invite Him this morning.
Is God lonely?
Yes, He is.
Because I am still here,
And I have not gone to visit Him
And play with Him.
84. You ask me
You ask meIf God is really so great.
I tell you,
He is not and
He does not want to be
As greedy as your vital.
You ask me
If God is really so good.
I tell you,
He is not and
He does not want to be
As deceptive as your mind.
85. In their defense
In defense of God,I must say
He always tries hard
To perfect me unconditionally
Through His Compassion-light.
In defense of man,
I must say
He always tries hard
To perfect me ceaselessly
Through his deception-height.
86. How to be
How to be a genuine fake:His vital-lord is ready
To teach him.
How to be a genuine teacher:
His soul-comrade is eager
To show him.
How to be a genuine student:
His heart-sister has already
Taught him,
87. How to start?
How to start?Devotedly.
When to start?
Why to start?
To see the Face of Truth
Here and now,
To be the Grace of God
Now, always now.
88. Teachings1
Transformation without frustrationMy life-teacher
Has taught me.
Attention without tension
My heart-teacher
Has taught me.
Perfection without coercion
My soul-teacher
Has taught me.
GW 88,7. At a later date there is a recording of Sri Chinmoy reciting the poem, where line 7 is 'Perfection without correction.'↩
89. A time for everything
Morning is the timeFor my loving heart
To feed my child-God.
Evening is the time
For my loving heart
To dance with my Beloved-God.
Night is the time
For my loving heart
To confide in my partner-God.
90. In vain
In vainI am searching
For my lost innocence-purity.
In vain
I am crying
For my lost frankness-beauty.
In vain
I am longing
For my lost goodness-divinity.
91. Always inseparable
Are inseparable.
They always have been so
Will always remain so.
Are inseparable.
They always have been so
Will always remain so.
92. He meant well
When God gave me the bodyHe meant well.
He wanted my body
To manifest Him.
But alas, what have I done?
And what have I not done?
When God gave me the vital
He meant well.
He wanted my vital
To reveal Him.
But alas, what have I done?
And what have I not done?
When God gave me the mind
He meant well.
He wanted my mind
To receive Him.
But alas, what have I done?
And what have I not done?
When God gave me the heart
He meant well.
He wanted my heart
To feed Him.
But alas, what have I done?
And what have I not done?
93. I need you
O flame of loving God-life,I need you.
O game of living God-love,
I need you.
O name of revealing God-secrets,
I need you.
94. Each other love, each other fulfil
The magic of the mindAnd
The tragic end of truth-life
Each other love.
The beauty of the heart
The duty of God-life
Each other fulfil.
95. Who needs it?
Cave-austerity for meditation:Who needs it?
Not the truth-seeker in me,
Not the God-lover in me.
No, never!
Palace-pleasure for meditation:
Who needs it?
Not the life-warrior in me,
Not the Perfection-builder in me.
No, never!
96. Life-giving
Life-blood give,Love-flood receive:
So says God.
Life-sigh give,
Light-sky conceive:
So knows man.
Life-soul give,
God-goal achieve:
So feels man,
So reveals God.
97. Who am I?
Who was I?My invisible prayer.
Who am I?
God's visible Power.
Who shall I be?
Immortality's Perfection-tower.
98. God's magnet
I love God's magnet-Feet;They pull me compassionately.
I love God's magnet-Heart;
It pulls me incessantly.
I love God's magnet-Soul;
It pulls me
99. The soul will be happy
Don't starve the egoTo feed the soul.
The soul will not be happy.
Free the ego
To see the soul.
Transform the animal-man
To see the Face of God.
Perform the God-sacrifice
To become Eternity's Lord.
The soul will be really happy.
100. Backward and doomed
Mind, my mind,Don't doubt!
Backward to your long-forgotten impurity...
Doomed your life-success
Shall be.
Vital, my vital,
Don't strangle!
Backward to the beast...
Doomed your life-progress
Shall be.
Body, my body,
Don't sleep!
Backward to the stone-life...
Doomed your life-dreams
Shall be.
101. Forward, upward, inward
Forward to the shore!God will offer you
His silver Throne.
Upward to the stars!
God will offer you
His golden Crown.
Inward to the source!
God will offer you
His diamond Heart.
102. O white morning
O white morning,Do come.
I need your purity's beauty
To awaken my heart.
O blue afternoon,
Do come.
I need your beauty's eternity
To enlighten my life.
O red evening,
Do come.
I need your eternity's sovereignty
To fulfil my soul.
103. My aspiring day
When my morning ascends,I think of God.
When my evening descends,
God thinks of me.
When my night transcends,
God becomes my real life
I become God's real love.
104. I give you back your heart
Humanity,I give you back your heart.
It is nothing but temptation-snare.
Don't take back your heart.
My God-perfection depends
On your oneness-share.
105. Trumpet of the sky
When I was a trumpetOf the freedom-sky,
The pride of the sky
Enveloped my Goal-Source.
Now I am a flute
Of the bondage-earth,
And the pride of the earth
Envelops my soul-course.
106. I know the root
I know,I know the root of things:
Beauty sublime.
I know,
I know the root of man:
Divinity supernal.
I know,
I know the root of God:
Necessity eternal.
I know,
I know the root of myself:
Reality immortal.
107. Don't be so blind
O invading night,Stop!
Don't be so blind.
O illumining light,
Don't be so cruel.
O immortalising Sun,
Don't be so indifferent.
108. Two gifts
Satan gave meHis whip of anger.
I know not
How to use it.
Satan, since I do not know
How to use it,
Take it back, please.
God gave me
His Compassion-shower.
I know not
How to use it.
God, since You have given me
This great gift,
Do come and teach me
How to use it.
109. Everything will be all right
Don't worry!Human slander -
Even God's tender child-heart
Fails to escape it.
Don't worry!
Satan temptation -
Even the wisest of men
Fails to see it through God's Eyes.
Don't worry!
Everything will be all right.
Feel through your heart;
Everything will be all right.
110. My truth discoveries
I think, therefore I am -My mind has discovered this truth.
I pray, therefore I am -
My heart has discovered this truth.
I was, therefore I am -
My soul has discovered this truth.
I shall be, therefore I am -
My life has discovered this truth.
111. To be great
To be greatIs to be misunderstood.
My dissatisfaction-role
Is a shining example.
To be great
Is to be well understood.
My satisfaction-soul
Is an ever-illumining example.
112. By far the best
A song without wordsIs by far the best.
A life without doubts
Is by far the best.
A soul with a goal-sun
Is by far the best.
A goal with a love-moon
Is by far the best.
113. Don't delay
Do you have doubt?Then illumine it soon.
Don't delay!
Do you have faith?
Then pass it on.
Don't delay!
Do you have God?
Then carry Him
From imperfection-night
To Perfection-dawn.
Don't delay!
114. At least, not I
The nothingness of thingsWho needs?
At least, not I.
The emptiness of life
Who needs?
At least, not I.
The kindness of a false Master
Who needs?
At least, not I.
The oneness of death
Who needs?
At least, not I.
115. My friends
My body has a friend:Limitation.
My vital has a friend:
My mind has a friend:
My heart has a friend:
My soul has a friend:
116. Another name
Another name of ignorance:Slavery-humiliation.
Another name of Light:
Another name of Truth:
Another name of God:
117. I shall do it
From now onI shall do it,
I shall do it.
I shall forget
My life's little follies,
And ascend and ascend.
From now on
I shall do it,
I shall do it.
I shall forgive
My life's big follies,
And transcend and transcend.
118. Forgotten and forgiven
Ah, the world has at last forgottenMy life's little follies.
Now my life can easily become
God's Pleasure-paradise-island.
Ah, God has already forgiven
My life's big follies.
Now my life can easily become
God's Vision-promise-land.
119. Define and interpret
Why do I not define and interpretA thing?
It is beneath my dignity.
Why do I not define and interpret
A human being?
I feel there is no necessity.
Why do I not define and interpret
My beloved Lord?
It is far beyond my capacity.
120. My past, present, future
What I wasIs duty's love of smile
What I am
Is beauty's smile of love
What I shall be
Is smile-liberation
121. Where I was born and what I do
Your mind wants to knowWhere I was born
And what I do.
Well, I was born in the bosom of night,
And I sleep and sleep,
I descend and descend.
Your heart wants to know
Where I was born
And what I do.
Well, I was born in the heart of Light,
And I long and long,
I ascend and ascend.
Your soul wants to know
Where I was born
And what I do.
Well, I was born on the lap of Delight,
And I smile and smile,
I transcend and transcend.
122. Your life is all frustration
Do you knowWhy your life is all frustration?
Because your life
Does not claim God
As its Reality's height.
Do you know
Why your life is all frustration?
Because your life-river
Always treasures
Its tiny pleasure-raft.
123. Your life is all opposition
Do you knowWhy your life is all opposition?
You and Perfection are
Two perfect strangers.
Do you know
Why your life is all opposition?
You dare not believe
You are the future God.
124. Your life is all confusion
Do you knowWhy your life is all confusion?
Because your life
Is not yours.
You are using a borrowed life.
Do you know
Why your life is all confusion?
Because your life
Is not yours.
Satan claims your life
As his very own.
125. My interpreters
When my mouthIs my interpreter
I suffer and I suffocate.
When my heart
Is my interpreter
I prosper and communicate.
When my God
Is my interpreter
I offer and I liberate.
126. Big news today!
Big news!This morning I thought of God.
I am proud of myself,
And I bless myself.
Big news!
This evening God will make me another God.
God, I am all gratitude to You.
God, I am all fondness for You.
127. Big news tomorrow!
Big news!Tomorrow both God
And I will retire.
We have worked very hard -
Especially I.
Do you know
Who will replace us?
You, only you.
Nobody else can
Nobody else will.
You, only you.
128. More than they deserve
God loves my soulMore than it rightly deserves.
I love my body
More than it dares deserve.
My dream loves me
More than I possibly deserve.
I love my reality
More than it ever deserves.
129. Someone is knocking
Someone is knocking -Perhaps God.
God can wait;
After all, He deals with Eternity.
Someone is knocking -
Perhaps man.
I am sure he can't wait,
Since he has only
A fleeting second
At his disposal.
Let me go and open the door.
Someone is knocking -
Perhaps Satan.
Ah, he just breaks open the door.
God, You are kind to me.
Man, I am kind to you.
Satan, you are really something,
You are really impossible!
130. Truth-perfection manifested
131. Each day
Each dayI dream my God
To increase my love-flames.
Lo, I am successful.
Each day
I face the world-ignorance
To increase my light-power.
Lo, I am more than successful.
132. Knowing themselves
The seeker, knowing himselfTo be a great fool,
Went to see a Master.
The Master, knowing himself
To be a mere instrument,
Went to see God.
God, knowing Himself
To be His Dream's Reality,
Went to see His Compassion-Sky.
133. Big questions, big answers
Two big questions:Is God alive?
If so, where is He?
Two big questions rightly deserve
Two big answers:
God is alive.
He is all-where;
Where is He not?
Is God alive?
Yes, He is.
Where is He?
He is inside my stupidity's query;
He is inside my necessity's discovery.
134. Whom to cheat?
Why not cheat?But
Whom to cheat?
He is poorer than
A church-mouse.
My deception-life
Shall fail to wear
The garland of satisfaction-pride.
Why not cheat?
Whom to cheat?
Alas, He has Infinity within,
He is Eternity without.
My deception can never decrease
His Infinity's Light
Or His Eternity's Height.
My deception-life
Shall fail to wear
The garland of satisfaction-pride.
135. Mr. Guru and Mr. Disciple
Mr. Guru,You say
You have realised God.
Can you prove it?
Mr. Disciple,
You feel
You are not another God.
Can you prove it?
Yes I can, Mr. Guru.
My ignorance-sea
Before you
Is my unmistakable proof.
I too can prove, Mr. Disciple.
My love-compassion-sky
For you
Is my undeniable proof.
136. The story of love and hope
Love keeps hoping,Hope keeps loving.
This is the endless story
Of love and hope.
My Lord, am I correct?
"Yes, you are correct, My son.
But you must love first
And then hope.
Don't reverse My Cosmic Game."
137. The story of depth and height
Depth keeps heightening,Height keeps deepening.
This is the deathless story
Of depth and height.
My Lord, am I correct?
"Yes, you are more than correct.
But My son,
You must dive first,
And only then will you try to fly.
Don't reverse My Cosmic Game."
138. The story of dream and fulfilment
Dream keeps fulfilling,Fulfilment keeps dreaming.
This is the birthless story
Of dream and fulfilment.
My Lord, am I correct?
"Son, you are always correct.
But don't forget,
Dream-boat first,
And only then Fulfilment-shore.
Don't reverse My Cosmic Game."
139. I used my powers
I used my money-powerTo buy God.
God smiled, and then cried.
I used my love-power
To buy God.
God cried, and then smiled.
I used my surrender-power
To win God.
God cried and cried.
In God's Smile
I discovered how far
He wants to remain:
Farther than the farthest.
In God's Cry
I discovered how near
He has always been:
Nearer than the nearest.
140. Who has it?
Stronger than the giantIs faith.
Who has it?
Not I, not I,
I solemnly declare.
God smilingly says:
Needless to say, God is great.
Brighter than the sun
Is love.
Who has it?
Not I, not I,
I solemnly declare.
God lovingly says:
Needless to say, God is good.
141. Needless to say
Deeper than the seaIs devotion.
Who has it?
Not I, not I,
I solemnly declare.
God compassionately says:
Needless to say, God is divine.
Vaster than the sky
Is surrender.
Who has it?
Not I, not I,
I solemnly declare.
God proudly says:
Needless to say, God is perfect.
142. God and I
I shall dine with God.God has made
All the necessary arrangements.
This evening I shall go
To visit God and play with Him.
I am sure He will enjoy
My snow-white company.
I shall dine with man.
But alas, so far
No arrangements have been made.
And yet
I expect his express arrival.
Once he comes,
He becomes all mine.
143. Death and I
I shall dine with death.Lo, he has already arrived;
No preparation is needed.
Both death and I
Shall start eating.
We shall stop eating
Only when death has devoured
My compassion-shower
And I have devoured
Death's disproportion-pride.
144. My old God, my young God
I leave my older God behindBecause
He is too weak
To march and command.
I keep my younger God ahead
He is quite smart enough
To run and reach the Goal.
I need my young God beside me
He is solid strength
To protect and energise me.
145. She is supreme
Admire her,She is great.
Watch her,
She is good.
Play with her,
She is divine.
Sing with her,
She is supreme.
146. Offspring
A million frustrationsAre the brood of one single folly.
A million deeds
Are the children of one single will.
A million experiences
Are the blossoms of one single cry.
147. The avenue
Imperfect is the avenueOf the blind mind.
Everybody knows it.
But who discards the mind?
No one.
One day the mind
Will be transformed.
Perfect is the avenue
Of the illumining heart.
Everybody knows it.
But who pleads to be allowed
To stay with the heart?
No one.
All are jealous of the heart's
Efficiency and sufficiency.
148. My heart-life
O my stupid mind,Your total indifference
To my heart-life
Makes no difference
In my dealings with you.
I love my heart,
I shall always love my heart,
For love is my heart-life
Love is my God-journey.
149. We wept, we laughed
Heaven and I bitterly weptTogether
When we saw poor earth
Stumble and fumble.
Earth and I endlessly laughed
When we saw rich Heaven
Longing for more beauty,
More admiration-flood
More adoration-blood.
150. My plan
Man, mar notMy perfect plan:
My aspiration-flame
And God's Compassion-moon
Ere long will get married.
Man, foil not
My secret plan:
My gold faith in God
Is at last ready
To bury my doubt-tiger
In its roaring den.
151. Don't worry
Don't worry,Your clever mind
Will find you a new
And lucrative profit.
Don't worry,
Your pure heart
Will find you a new
And constructive paradise.
Don't worry,
Your sure soul
Will find you a new
And creative Goal.
152. Dying in nothingness
Lying in the sunMay warm your body,
But it will not elevate your life.
Crying in the night
May console your heart,
But it will not accelerate
The progress of your soul.
I assure you,
Dying in nothingness
May fascinate others' eyes,
But it will not fulfil your Goal.
153. Your introductions
Your heart-childWill introduce you
To forgotten joy-life.
Don't feel sad.
Your soul-comrade
Will introduce you
To forgotten nectar-land.
Don't feel sad.
154. They must be destroyed
Some things must be destroyedTo found Happiness-day.
For example:
Man's impurity-flood
Woman's insecurity-flight;
Man's animal-kingdom
Woman's fear-cave.
155. The pursuit
Look, you are totally lost.You have gone too far,
Far beyond extremity's length,
In your pursuit of pleasure-life.
You are completely doomed.
Look, you are still
Far, very far
From the Reality-shore
In your pursuit of soul-joy.
You still can try,
You still can succeed.
156. Don't mix
Don't mix with a doubting man.He will deceive you
Before God comes to your rescue.
Don't mix with a barking man.
He will bite you
Before God comes to your rescue.
Don't mix with a thinking man.
He will sink you
Before God comes to your rescue.
157. Shining from within
I was shining from within;Therefore
The world-souls thronged
To love me.
I was shining from within;
The world-hearts mustered
To serve me.
I was shining from within;
The world-minds gathered
To admire me.
158. You have been too good
My Lord, You have beenToo good to me;
I am all gratitude.
My Lord, You have been
Too kind to me;
I know not what else
I can give You
Save my gratitude-sea.
My Lord, You have been
More than kind to me;
To You I give my gratitude-sea
My unconditional surrender-drop.
159. We shall be all right
My heart stumblesAgainst one of the glaring faults
Of my searching mind.
Never mind!
My heart and I
Shall be all right.
My soul stumbles
Against one of the darkening faults
Of my sleeping heart.
Never mind!
My soul and I
Shall be all right.
160. My soul's protection
My mind's serenityProtects my soul.
My heart's sincerity
Protects my soul.
My vital's certainty
Protects my soul.
My body's purity
Protects my soul.
161. Trouble
Trouble may increaseIn the devouring night.
Don't be so upset.
Trouble will fade
In the glowing light.
Don't be so upset.
Trouble is bound to sit
At God's Compassion-Feet.
Believe me, O seeker,
And don't be so upset.
162. The heart of spirituality
The mind of scienceMay lighten your life.
I do not deny it.
The heart of spirituality
Shall widen your life
Brighten your heart
Enlighten your mind.
163. Learn to unlearn
Think of doing the thingsThat give you success.
Learn to do the things
That offer you progress.
Learn to shun
Learn to unlearn
The things that bring about
Your immediate regress.
164. Sow while reaping
The mind neglects to sowOnce more
While reaping.
The heart forgets to sow
Once more
While reaping.
The soul neither neglects
Forgets to sow
Once more
While reaping.
On the contrary,
The soul is inspired
To sow more and ever-more
While reaping.
165. The Goal is Won165
Your days of orphan-sorrowsAre behind you
Not beside you.
Why, then, do you
Helplessly cry?
Your days of excellence-joys
Are ahead of you
Not behind you.
Why, then, do you not
Immediately run and declare:
165 Note: When composing a song based on this poem, the author changed line 10. Original “Not beside you”. Revised “Not behind you.”↩
166. Days of darkness-night
Days of darkness-nightAre short-lived.
I knew it.
My soul-height taught me
This truth sublime.
Days of darkness-night
Are short-lived.
I knew it.
My heart-depth taught me
This wisdom sublime.
Days of darkness-night
Are short-lived.
I knew it.
My smile-breadth taught me
This God-lesson unparalleled.
167. The diamond second
A world-adventure-lifeWill be thrust upon you.
Just wait and see:
The golden days are fast approaching.
A world-perfection-goal
Will descend upon you.
Just see and become:
The diamond second has already arrived.
168. If you flow with the stream
Work!Wallow not
In the pleasures of lethargy.
Even if you work
Carelessly and occasionally,
You will be appreciated
In the world of confusion-sea.
And if you flow
With the stream of energy divine,
You will be admired,
In the world of Perfection-sky.
169. They are not so bad
Learn to work with thoseBeside you.
They are, after all,
Not so bad.
Your body may sleep too much,
But it tries
To wake up.
Your vital may fight too much,
But it does quite often appreciate
A life of peace.
Your mind may doubt too much,
But it does secretly admire
A life of faith.
Learn to work with those
Beside you.
As I told you,
After all, they are not so bad.
170. Do you know who she is?
An old friend of yoursWill attempt to destroy
Your hard-earned reputation.
Do you know who she is?
She is your temptation-queen.
A new friend of yours
Will attempt to build you
A Love-Kingdom
A Perfection-Palace.
Do you know who she is?
She is your aspiration-daughter.
171. Believe me
Believe me,Your friend Sincerity
Will recognise your capacity.
Believe me,
Your friend Purity
Will energise your necessity.
Believe me,
Your friend Divinity
Will immortalise your reality.
172. Be sincere, be sure
Be sincere.Today if you fall
From Grace-tree,
You will lose
Your face of beauty.
Be sure.
Today if you rise
From ignorance-sleep,
You will enjoy
Eternity's deep.
173. Dissatisfaction and satisfaction
DissatisfactionWill sap the energy
Of your heart-life
If you feed your mind's
Hungry abyss.
Will expand the energy
Of your heart-life
If you love and serve
And serve and love
Your soul's Perfection-sun.
174. Believe your heart, believe your soul
Do not believe your greedy vital.Your vital will instigate you
To aim at empty laurels.
Do not believe your clever mind.
Your mind will make you
Cogitate and cogitate
Until satisfaction-dove
Postpones its visit to you.
Believe your pure heart.
Your heart is all luminosity.
Believe your sure soul.
Your soul is all divinity.
175. If I have to trade
If I have to tradeOne blessing for another,
I shall trade my aspiration
For God's Realisation.
My Lord, do You agree?
"Son, why not?
As long as you
Are willing to give Me
Something of your
Most precious possession,
I am more than willing."
176. God, forgive me
I regret my today's hasty action.God, forgive me for the last time.
I regret my today's nasty snobbery.
God, forgive me for the last time.
I regret my today's vital life.
God, forgive me for the last time.
I regret my today's mental clouds.
God, forgive me for the last time.
177. Protect yourself
Protect yourselfFrom your own teeming fears.
Protect yourself
From your own darkening doubts.
Protect yourself
From your own binding thoughts.
Protect yourself
From your own strangling will.
178. Let them die
O sweet Lord,Let my depression-night die
In its first moment
Of life.
O eternal Lord,
Let my frustration-sea die
In its first moment
Of life.
O beloved Lord,
Let my destruction-tornado die
In its first moment
Of life.
179. Listen!
O Greed, listen!Money-power will come to you
Only when earned.
O Expectation, listen!
Love-power will come to you
Only when given.
O Hope, listen!
God-power will come to you
Only when surrendered.
180. I am sharing
Judge nothing;You will be happy.
My own personal experience
I am sharing with you.
Try to forgive everything;
You will be happier.
My own personal realisation
I am sharing with you.
Love everything;
You will be happiest.
God's own personal Secret
I am sharing with you.
181. My happiness explained
Do you know whyI am so happy?
I am happy
I ignore the condemnation
Of my previous friend, doubt.
Do you know why
I am so happy?
I am happy
I value the approval
Of my present friend, aspiration.
182. Seal, conceal and starve
Seal your dangerous lipsTo open your beautiful eyes.
Conceal your vital-fire
To reveal your heart-cry.
Starve your mind's uncertainty-mist
To feed your soul's divinity-sun.
183. It is done that way
Wait, for God's sake!Don't gamble on realisation.
It is not done that way.
Don't wait, for God's sake!
Climb up your aspiration-tree.
It is done only that way.
184. They give love
My heart givesAs much love as it asks for.
My mind gives
Much less love than it asks for.
My soul does not ask for love;
It just gives.
My God just gives
And gives.
Lo, He always gives.
185. Don't expect
Don't expect lasting joyFrom a sudden love.
Don't expect solid perfection
From a sudden aspiration.
Don't expect immediate God-realisation
From a sudden surrender.
186. Faces
Don't be fooledBy the tempting face
Of beauty.
Don't be discouraged
By the demanding face
Of duty.
Don't be frightened
By the dawning face
Of Divinity.
187. Why do you need others' love?
Why do you need others' love?Is their love so important?
Why do you need others' love?
Is your love so impotent?
Why do you need others' adoration?
Don't you see them
In the same boat as you,
Sailing in the sea of ignorance-night
Towards the frustration-shore
Of nowhere?
188. Give it a chance
Your love will multiply itself;Just give it a fair chance.
Your aspiration will multiply itself;
Just give it an immediate chance.
Your realisation will multiply itself;
Just give it a lengthy chance.
189. Undeniable realities
Think of your dutyDevotedly.
Very often it sleeps.
Silence your necessity
Quite often you overfeed it.
Start your God-race
Quite often you delay unnecessarily.
I am telling you
The simple truths,
The undeniable realities.
190. Do it here and now
True,No one has the right
To judge you as mercilessly
As your own noble self.
If so, then why don't you
Do it?
For God's sake, do it
Here and now.
No one has the wisdom or willingness
To perfect you as devotedly
As your own noble self.
If so, then why don't you
Do it?
For God's sake, do it
Here and now.
191. Are you not amazed?
Are you not amazedAt your physical strength?
Look how easily you have ended
The life of a living ant!
Are you not amazed
At your spiritual strength?
Look how perfectly you have housed
The omnipotent Lord
Inside your tiny breast!
192. Hold the key
Hold the keyOf matter's uncertainty,
And then remain hopeful;
That's all.
Nothing more can be done,
Nothing more can be expected.
Hold the key
Of Spirit's Silence-chamber:
Lo, you are fruitful.
Your life is the course
Your soul is the source
Of humanity's Perfection-dawn.
193. Just once
You will recoverFull confidence in yourself -
Just feel once
That God will do everything for you.
You will discover
Full God-realisation in yourself -
Just believe only once
That your source
God's source
Are always the same.
194. Allow us
Allow timeTo direct your thoughts.
You will be divinely happy.
Allow God
To govern your will.
You will be supremely happy.
Allow me
To cry for your stupidity.
You will be eternally happy.
195. Life's question and life's answer
Don't avoidLife's question:
"Who are you?"
If you avoid it,
You will be unhappy.
Don't evade
Life's answer:
"You are inconscience-uncertainty incarnate."
If you evade it,
You are bound to be unhappy.
Who avoids?
A weakling of today.
Who evades?
A culprit
Born of earth's ignorance-clay.
196. Only one friend
Friends may multiplyYour life.
But only one friend will breathe
Throughout Eternity,
And that friend is your
Old good friend:
Immortality's immeasurable Voice.
197. Why are you wedded to worry?
Why are youWedded to worry?
He who ranks above
Your life-plan
Is bound to protect you.
Don't you know that
This is your God's only business?
Don't worry.
Let me see what more
I can do for you.
Ah, I have a splendid idea.
On behalf of God
I shall liberate you,
If you want me to,
If such is the Will of God.
198. What kind of friend?
What kind of friendIs he,
Your friend doubt?
Look, he deserted you abruptly
As soon as faith-life dawned
In your aspiring heart.
What kind of friend
Is she,
Your friend anxiety?
Look, she has forgotten you totally
Since peace-dove sat
On your devoted head.
199. Who is like you?
Only he who is like youCan give you true happiness.
Who is he?
Don't you know?
His name is God.
Only he who is like you
Can give you true freedom.
Who is he?
Don't you know?
Your Eternity's friend:
200. Play your own role
Do your own part.Don't be disturbed by your inferiors.
Your superiors will
Convince your inferiors
To adore you.
Play your own role.
Don't be afraid of your superiors.
Your inferiors will
Inspire your superiors
To admire you.
201. The greatest triumphs
Your empty wordsWill win no triumph.
Your foolish actions
Will win a small triumph.
Your surrender-soul
Will win earth's greatest triumph, realisation;
Heaven's greatest triumph, God-Vision;
God's greatest triumph, earth-perfection.
202. What immortalises you?
What kills you?Your shadow-life.
What immortalises you?
Your Silence-life.
What claims you as its very own?
Your gratitude-breath: Perfection.
203. Your only necessity
Fight your only opponent:Fear.
Love your only friend:
Break your only bond:
Build your only Palace:
Sing your only song:
Dance your only dance:
204. Heart-pain and mind-pain
The pain of your heartAnd the pain of your mind
Can never be the same.
Your mind's indifference to pain
Is the real proof.
Your heart's acceptance of pain
Is the real proof.
The difference between heart-pain
And mind-pain is this:
Mind-pain escapes from the body's cage,
Heart-pain lingers in reality's life.
205. Only one service
Your true heart needsNo consolation from you.
It can easily overcome
All earth's false accusations.
Your true soul needs
Only one service from you:
A single cry from your inner heart.
Your true Goal needs
Only one service from you:
A single smile from your surrender-life.
206. Give God a chance
Your mind-dreams are plaguedBy confusion-night.
Your heart-realities are assailed
By frustration-moon.
Yet you are brave and eager
To see the Face of God.
Give God a good chance
With your patience-light.
His divine Presence Supreme
He will not deny you.
207. God's gift and your gift
Harmony is a gift of God.Do not imitate God's divine
Gift supreme.
You will have your own gifts to offer
To God and to the world at large:
To God, your patience-tree;
To man, your oneness-cry.
208. My competitors
I do not compete with man.I compete with my ugly shadow,
I compete with my yesterday's fruitful discovery,
I compete with God's blessingful Pride.
209. Song-offerings
The song of the mountainGives me peace.
The song of the sea
Gives me bliss.
The song of my heart
Gives me love.
The song of my soul
Gives me life.
The song of my earth-gratitude
Brings God to me.
The song of God's Heaven-plenitude
Carries me to God.
210. Because
Jealousy burns youBecause
You fan it.
Fear tears you
You welcome it.
Doubt devours you
You treasure it.
211. Encircled lives
A man of fortuneEncircles his earth-life;
He is really fortunate.
A man of love
Encircles his Heaven-dream;
He is truly safe.
A man of compassion
Encircles his restive life;
He is soulfully confident.
212. Your liberty
Walk softly;Your liberty shall remain pure.
Talk quietly;
Your liberty shall remain safe.
Love soulfully;
Your liberty shall remain perfect.
213. Open
My life is openFor God to share.
My soul is open
For Heaven to share.
My God is open
For the world to share.
214. We travel
I travelIn my dream.
My dream travels
Much further than I travel.
My reality travels
215. Delayed journeys
Lack of moneyDelays your world-journey.
Lack of love
Delays your life-journey.
Lack of aspiration
Delays your God-journey.
Yet if you can remain happy,
Money-seeds will grow in you,
Love-river will flow through you,
Aspiration-mountain will wait for you.
216. Close the door
Close your outer door;You will silence the storm.
Open your inner door;
You will shelter the storm-tossed sea.
Close your ignorance-door;
God will be happy.
Close your reality-door;
Nobody will be happy -
No, not even God.
217. Try, you can
Alone you will emergeFrom earth's teeming chaos.
Try, you can;
Try, you will.
Is not God your eternal Friend?
Alone you will emerge
From the throes of the buried past.
Try, you can;
Try, you will.
Is not God your Compassion-Friend?
218. Love-wind blows
Love-wind blowsIn all directions,
Cheerfully, speedily
Who divinely follows?
Of Eternity's Height.
219. Reality's unhorizoned shore
My love is my vision,My love is my guardian,
My love is my perfection.
How can I fail?
My life-boat
Shall only sail
On Reality's unhorizoned Shore.
220. You say, I say
You sayYou need protection.
I say
God has Hands.
You say
You need perfection.
I say
God has a Heart.
You say
You need God.
I say
God is yours,
Only yours.
221. Your tests
Earth-Mother tests youAnd
Earth-Mother loves you.
Heaven-Father tests you
Heaven-Father teaches you
Will not undo you.
Immortality-Sister does not test you,
Only fulfils you,
Fulfils you.
222. Between two decisions
Don't sitBetween two decisions:
Either God-soul
Don't sit
Between two decisions:
Either Perfection-sun
223. Invoke your friends
Your old friend, poise-king:Where is he?
Invoke him,
You need him desperately.
Your old friend, joy-hero:
Where is he?
Invoke him,
You need him immediately.
Your best friend, God:
Where is He?
Invoke Him,
You need His Presence constantly.
224. The past returns
The voice of the pastReturns today
To inspire me.
The choice of the past
Returns today
To direct me.
The confidence of the past
Returns today
To immortalise me.
225. Our eternal company
Lord, Your absenceMakes me see
Whom I have neglected.
Lord, my absence
Makes You feel
Why I am rejected.
Lord, let us become
Once more good friends.
Let us never part
Our eternal company.
226. What to expect
Impossibility warns you:Never expect perfection
In human partnership.
Never expect illumination
In human partnership.
Expect only one thing:
I repeat:
227. There is a child
There is a childCrying for you
Inside your heart-life.
Do you know its name?
There is a child
Waiting for you
Inside your soul-love.
Do you know its name?
228. Another name
Another nameFor partnership
Is sacrifice pure.
Another name
For partnership
Is surrender sure.
Another name
For partnership
Is beauty impure,
Reality obscure.
229. A far land
Great love for meFlows from a far land.
Great admiration for me
Lives in a far land.
Great satisfaction for me
Blossoms in a far land.
What, then, am I doing here?
Who knows?
My Dream-boat knows.
Who knows?
My Reality-shore knows.
230. They have lost power
Doubt has lost power;Therefore
It tries to topple you.
Fear has lost power;
It tries to strangle you.
Anxiety has lost power;
It tries to exile you.
231. The choice is yours
The choice betweenA thinking mind
A sinking life
Is yours.
The choice between
A loving heart
A devouring vital
Is yours.
The choice between
Man's dream-moon
God's Reality-sun
Is yours.
232. Stay away
You are not prepared.Stay away from
Your ambition.
You are not sincere.
Stay away from
Your realisation.
You are not pure.
Stay away from
The Reality-shore.
233. The sun
The morning sunGreets your accomplishment-life.
The evening sun
Salutes your new hunger.
The inner sun
Perfects your life of deception,
Guides your life of aspiration
Fulfils your life of abnegation
Through the power of love-devotion.
234. Your Master has become
Today your MasterHas become a living dynamo.
Don't delay!
He will go on without you.
Today your Master
Has become a sea of Peace.
Stay where you are!
Lose not even a moment's Bliss.
235. What your Master needs
What would your Master doWith a palace?
He does not need
That kind of luxury.
What would your Master do
With a fortune?
He does not need
That kind of pleasure.
Your Master needs
Only two things:
Your life of duty
Your love of beauty.
236. Remember
Remember,Your Master may be
Dissatisfied with your weak efforts,
But he can never be
Dissatisfied with your life.
Your Master may
Scold you outwardly, ruthlessly,
But he loves you
237. They have a chance
The disciple who has a MasterHas a chance.
The Master who has a disciple
Has a chance.
God is the Pride
Of their mutual surrender-light.
238. I love you, I hate you
I do not idolize you,Because
You are not God.
I do not despise you,
You are not a snake.
I love you,
You cry and try.
I hate you,
You have given up the race.
239. My journey-friends
With my imagination-friendI began my journey.
With my aspiration-friend
I continue my journey.
With my perfection-friend
I shall conclude my journey.
240. I am for you
Why do you think ofYourself so much?
What am I here for?
Don't you feel
That I am for you,
All for you,
From morning's start
To evening's halt?
241. Lord, take me
Lord, take my heartTo be Your Pleasure.
Lord, take my love
To be Your Treasure.
Lord, let my life
Be claimed entirely by You,
Only by You.
242. Consider me something
Lord, consider me something,At least.
You may call me Your enemy.
I shall not mind,
For without fail,
You shall perfect me.
Lord, consider me something,
At least.
You may, by mistake,
Call me Your best instrument.
I shall not mind,
For without fail,
You shall perfect me.
Lord, consider me something,
At least.
243. I don't want you
Fear, don't come so near.Doubt, don't shout so much.
Jealousy, stop biting me.
Anxiety, when will you learn
That I don't need you?
Insecurity, I don't want you.
Don't darken my heart's door.
244. Aspiration, determination, realisation
Aspiration says to God:"Father, may I come in?"
Determination says to God:
"Father, I am already in."
Realisation says to God:
"Father, how and why
Did You live without me
For such a long time?"
245. Only you
O cosmic gods,I like you.
That's all.
O God Supreme,
I love You.
I need You.
I shall serve You,
Only You.
I shall fulfil You,
Only You.
246. He died to live
His vital diedSo his heart could live
His body died
So his soul could fly into Heaven
247. What dies, what lives?
What dies?A thinking mind.
What lives?
An aspiring heart.
What will die and never be reborn?
Earth's depression-night.
What lives and will forever live?
Heaven's Perfection-smile.
248. Something is better than nothing
O my vital,Do you want to please my Lord
Then do it.
Something is better than nothing.
My God will definitely bless you.
O my mind,
Do you want to satisfy my God
Then do it.
Something is better than nothing.
My God will definitely bless you.
249. Make me happy
Mind, make me happy.Don't judge,
At least for an hour.
Vital, make me happy.
Don't struggle,
At least for a minute.
Body, make me happy.
Don't sleep,
At least for a second.
250. When I criticise
When I criticise humanity,I criticise my own life-breath.
My sweet Lord forgives me.
When I criticise divinity,
I criticise my own soul-goal.
My sweet Lord forgives me.
251. Whom to believe?
My desire-night saysGod does not care for me.
My aspiration-sun says
God constantly cares for me.
Whom to believe?
I leave it up to God.
Lord, just once solve
My insoluble problem.
"Son, your desire needs aspiration;
Your aspiration needs realisation."
252. I need them both
Death has silence,Sound has life.
I need them both.
I need silence
To see my height.
I need life
To feel my depth.
253. One and the same
My desire-sonAnd
My aspiration-sun
Are one and the same,
From the same source.
My morning-boon
My frustration-noon
Are one and the same,
From the same source.
254. No matter what
No matter whatI do or say,
I do not have to worry,
For God has my Illumination-flood
God is my Forgiveness-blood.
255. God's heart and mine
God has a big Heart.Who knows it?
No, not even the best of men.
I have a small heart.
Who does not know it?
Everybody knows.
Even my old discarded enemy,
Ignorance, knows.
256. Your God and mine
Your God is for you;Stay with Him.
My God is for me;
I shall stay with Him.
But I must tell you only one thing:
You have a clever God.
He tempts you
With His Illumination.
I have a kind God.
He enlightens me
Without even an
Iota of temptation.
257. I am proud of my life
Destruction:That was my animal life.
I was proud of it,
But no more.
That is my human life.
I am proud of it,
And I shall remain so.
That will be my future life.
I am sure my Lord
Will be proud of it,
And soon I shall echo Him.
258. I must be
To be God's successorI must be divine.
To be God's possessor
I must be supreme.
To be God's lover
I must be pure.
That's all.
Who says it is a mighty task?
Easier than saying
My morning prayers.
259. They will get what they deserve
My heart deservesA loving teacher,
And it will get one.
But when?
When my heart becomes love.
My mind deserves
A strict teacher,
And it will get one.
But when?
When my mind wants to study God-lessons.
260. The poet and seeker in me
O poet in me,I love your snow-white inspiration.
I simply love it,
I mean it.
O seeker in me,
I love your blue-gold aspiration.
I simply love it,
I mean it.
261. Twin brothers
Compassion and ConcernAre twin brothers,
Like God and Life.
Depression and destruction
Are twin brothers,
Like Satan and Death.
262. Lasting achievements
Man's achievement in GodLasts for a year.
Man's achievement for God
Lasts for eternity.
Man's achievement with God
Is man's perfect Realisation
God's perfect Manifestation.
263. If you are really kind
God, if You are reallyKind to me,
Then give me Your Realisation-flood.
God, if You are really
Nice to me,
Then give me Your Perfection-blood.
If You deny me
Your Realisation-flood
Then I shall deny You
My ignorance-night
264. A good student
God does not knowTwo things:
How to strengthen
A consciously insecure heart
How to enlighten
A consciously obscure mind.
God will learn them,
For He always wants
To be a good student.
265. God is pleased
Imagination-sky I had;Therefore
God is pleased.
Inspiration-moon I have;
God is pleased.
Aspiration-sun I am;
God is pleased.
Ah, not in one,
But in three
Different and significant ways,
I have pleased God.
266. My meal with God
Lord, my food is ignorance.Do You want to eat with me?
"Son, on one condition:
We must eat everything,
And we shall not leave
Even a morsel."
Father, that is what
I need from You.
"Son, that is what
I want from you."
267. God laughs at me
I want to be a great manBy judging God,
Although God laughs at my stupidity.
I wish to be a good man
By loving God,
Although nobody believes me,
Perhaps not even God.
Yet, I shall try it,
Without fail, succeed.
268. Two machines
Father, I needFrom You only two machines:
"Son, you need two
Machines from me,
I need only one machine
From you:
Let us give and take
And be all even."
269. Sad news, good news
Morning-soft dewsAre for my heart.
Evening-sad news
Is for my mind.
And God-serene news
Is for my vision-soul.
270. God's silver grace
Grace can changeMy dark face.
I do not deny it.
But my face
Can draw God's silver Grace.
Who can deny it?
No, not even Satan.
271. Darkness and frankness
Darkness -I have nothing to do
With darkness.
It is my body's friend,
Not mine.
Frankness -
I have everything to do
With frankness.
It is my soul's oneness with God.
Needless to say,
Mine, too.
272. My power
My thinking-powerIs limited;
I am saved.
My doubting-power
Is unlimited;
I am encaged.
My loving-power
Is yet unmanifested;
I am still frustrated.
273. For their mutual good
The curious seeker in meAnd my precious soul
Separately live,
For their mutual good.
The generous lover in me
And my precious soul
Love each other deeply
And stay together constantly,
For their mutual good.
274. My Lord has just arrived
The animal in meNeeds a disciplined life.
Lo, my sweet Lord has just arrived
With a disciplined life.
The human in me
Needs a perfect life.
Lo, my sweet Lord has just appeared
With a perfect life.
Lord, if there is anything
In me called Gratitude,
Then it is all for You,
Only for You.
275. Who is He?
Peace, where is it?Ah, it is in my heart-life.
Bliss, where is it?
Ah, it is in my soul-goal.
God, who is He?
Ah, He is my forgotten,
Old good Friend.
276. My message
No fear!Hence who can be
My Master, save myself?
No doubt!
Hence who can be
My Saviour, save myself?
God, I am good to You;
God, You are kind to me.
This is my message
For humanity's heart,
For Divinity's Soul.
277. Let us stay together
God, do You reallyCare for me?
If not, this very day
Let us part for good.
"Son, I really care for you."
Then, Father, let us peacefully
Stay together.
Father, do You really
Need me?
If not, this very day
Let us part for good.
"Son, I really need you."
Then, Father, let us happily
Stay together.
278. Who can separate God from me?
Let me seeWho can separate God's Feet
From my head.
I told you,
Nobody can.
Let me see
Who can separate
God's Soul-life
From my love-role.
I told you,
Nobody can.
279. I was a foolish man
I was a foolish man;Therefore
I wanted to shake hands
With God.
I was a foolish man;
I forgot to invite God
To my peaceful, soulful home.
But I shall never repeat
My mistakes;
For your kind information,
God Himself has told me so.
280. Pride: past and present
I was proudOf my brooding fear;
And now I am proud
Of my climbing courage.
I was proud
Of my shooting doubts;
And now I am proud
Of my blossoming faith.
My success is my illumination;
My illumination is my God's progress in me.
281. O Gods
O sun-god,You are my aspiration-duty.
O moon-goddess,
You are my consecration-beauty.
O Lord Supreme,
You are my Perfection-necessity.
282. Good and not good
Satan is not good.Secretly he speaks
Ill of me.
Death is not good.
Openly he criticises me.
God is perhaps good.
He has never scolded me.
Light is always good.
It has always
Loved me,
Fulfilled me
Perfected me.
283. I am proud
I am proud of my mind.It has taken
My animal-life away.
I am proud of my heart.
It has taken
My mind-poison away.
I am proud of my soul.
It has taken
My heart-uncertainty away.
284. I blame God
God, I blame You.Why did You answer
My desire-night?
God, I blame You.
Why do You delay in answering
My aspiration-prayer?
Well, I have to forgive You,
Since on many occasions
You have forgiven me -
The dark animal in me
The weak human in me.
285. Who will read my books?
Who will read my books?God?
God has no time.
Who will read my books?
Man has no time.
Who will read my books?
Ah, I see death approaching fast.
Death, you are my only supporter,
You are my only lover.
I shall, without fail, illumine you.
286. They never go together
Earth's stupidityAnd
My God's Divinity
Never go together.
O earth, please learn
This from me.
Heaven's indifference
My God's reverence
For His many-in-one life
Never go together.
O Heaven, please learn
This from me.
287. Three reasons
For three reasonsGod loves me:
I have given up
My animal pride,
I have forgotten
My human ignorance,
I treasure
My life divine.
288. Who wants to play?
Who wants to playWith fear?
It dies
Even before the game starts.
Who wants to play
With doubt?
It never stops
Once it starts playing.
Who does not want to play
With truth-sun,
With love-moon?
They play all games so well.
They are so considerate.
They have become
My real and eternal friends.
289. Two experts
The differenceBetween
God and me is this:
He is an expert in hiding Himself
I am an expert in exposing myself.
Since each of us has
A good quality worth learning,
We are both equal.
290. Leave me, love me
O my thought-life,Leave me, leave me alone.
I am sick of you.
O my soul-will,
Love me, guide me.
I need you alone.
Don't you see and feel
I am all fondness
All admiration for you?
291. Only a fool
Do not imitate.Who imitates?
Only a brainless fool.
Do not hesitate.
Who hesitates?
Only a lifeless fool.
I do not imitate,
For I have none to imitate.
I do not hesitate,
For I have no need to hesitate.
God asks me to do everything secretly,
And I proudly do everything openly.
That's all.
292. I would have done the same
My vital lifeHas failed God;
Therefore my God
Has disappeared.
Lord, I do not blame You.
In Your case,
I would have done the same.
My soul-life has
Pleased God;
Therefore my God
Is here.
Lord, I need not praise You.
In Your case,
I, too, would have done the same.
293. Things worth seeing
I shall seeTwo things before I die:
I have seen
Two things worth seeing:
God cares more
For earth
Than for Heaven;
God will be fulfilled
Infinitely more by earth
Than by Heaven.
Of course, at God's choice Hour.
294. I need two things
From many,Many things I have taken.
Now from myself,
I need only two things:
My morning of willingness
My evening of devotedness.
295. A little need
My Supreme Lord,What I need from You
Is just a little smile.
What You need from me
Is just a little cry.
Let us fulfil each other.
For God's sake,
It is such an easy thing.
We have been delaying
And delaying,
But consciously
And deliberately.
296. A fool and a rogue
Humanity, you are a rogue!You have taken my sincere service
And have kicked me aside.
Divinity, you are a fool!
I told you that I would
Serve you, love you and fulfil you.
But I have kept myself away,
Millions of miles away from you.
Lo, you have failed to capture my existence.
297. Earth-peace, Heaven-bliss
Peace, Peace,Earth has given me
Its precious Peace
Borrowed from God.
Bliss, Bliss,
Heaven has given me
Its cherished Bliss
Borrowed from God.
Peace tells me what
I can become on earth.
Bliss tells me what
I was in Heaven
Long before my earth-sojourn.
298. God's meaning
Live in the sleeping body;God means frustration.
Live in the roaring vital;
God means indifference.
Live in the doubting mind;
God means superfluity.
Live in the aspiring heart;
God means necessity,
Supreme necessity.
299. A listening ear
Lord, Your poor daughter-earthNeeds a listening ear.
Please do something for her.
I have told You many times
About her deplorable situation.
This time, please take me seriously
Before some unspeakable
Catastrophe takes place.
"Son, you are right.
I am commanding Heaven
To lend her its listening ear."
Thank You, Father.
300. I have one thing
My service-lifeSatisfies God.
Ah, at least one thing I have
Worth possessing.
My surrender-soul
Satisfies God.
Ah, at least one thing I have
Worth treasuring.
301. Let us see who wins
Let us seeWho wins:
Your vital life
Your Master's forgiveness-height.
Let us see
Who wins:
Your mental doubts
Your Master's tolerance-light.
Let us see
Who wins:
Your body's ignorance-sleep
Your Master's compassion-depth.
302. I can live without God
I can live easilyWithout God,
But not without
His Compassion-Heart.
I can live easily
Without God,
But not without
His Perfection-Silence.
I can live easily
Without God,
But not without
His Realisation-Self.
303. My fate
Body, you have bound me;Yet I love you.
What can I do?
This is my fate.
Vital, you have weakened me;
Yet I love you.
What can I do?
This is my fate.
Mind, you have encaged me;
Yet I love you.
What can I do?
This is my fate.
304. Not for me
God-freedom:Not for me, not for me.
I want to stay in my helpless body.
Not for me, not for me.
I want to stay in my restless vital.
Not for me, not for me.
I want to stay in my soulless mind.
305. God's qualities
O Beauty of God,How far are you?
O Duty of God,
How near are you?
O Compassion of God,
How loving are you?
O Perfection of God,
How certain are you?
306. Unparalleled friend
God the SaviourIs my first friend.
God the Liberator
Is my second friend.
God the Lover
Is my third
And best friend,
My friend unparalleled.
307. Nothing uncommon
Frustration:It is nothing uncommon
To my mind.
It is nothing unnatural
To my vital.
It is nothing unusual
To my body.
It is nothing unheard of
To my heart.
308. God fulfils my needs
I needed a beautiful soul;Therefore
God gave me one.
I need a powerful soul;
God has given me one.
I shall need a fruitful soul;
God will give me one.
309. God is mine
God is my choiceWhen I am totally lost.
God is my voice
When I am totally pure.
God is my assurance
When I am totally surrendered.
310. I don't pray, I don't meditate
On earthI don't pray to God
I am always tired.
How can I pray?
In Heaven
I don't meditate on God
Without any satisfactory reason
I was fired.
Why do I have to meditate?
311. Yet you are so proud
You are a mereCrying heart,
Yet you are so proud.
You are a mere
Searching head,
Yet you are so proud.
You are a mere
Threatening vital,
Yet you are so proud.
You are a mere
Sleeping body,
Yet you are so proud.
312. I love you
My Lord,I love You;
I do not give You
My impure love.
My Lord,
I love You;
I do not give You
My false devotion.
My Lord,
I love You;
I do not give You
My conditional surrender.
313. Supremacy
Supremacy of truthYou like, my mind.
I know it.
Supremacy of love
You love, my heart.
I feel it.
Supremacy of oneness
You enjoy, my soul.
I envision it.
314. We are great
My body is great;It does not die
With beauty's departure.
My soul is great;
It does not care
For earth's pleasure.
My God is great;
Unlike me,
He can live without Himself.
315. Fulfilment and vision
Fulfilment is man's choice,For fulfilment is man's voice.
In fulfilment is earth's noise.
Vision is God's Choice,
For vision is God's Voice.
In vision is Heaven's noise.
316. Body, soul and goal
Earth-body complicatesEverything.
This is the body's speciality.
Heaven-soul liberates
This is the soul's speciality.
God-goal liberates and explicates,
Explicates and liberates
This is God's speciality.
317. Why are you afraid?
"Son, why are you afraidOf God-realisation?
Is it so strange?"
No, Father.
"Then try it.”
"Son, why are you afraid
Of God-perfection?
Is it so difficult?"
No, Father.
"Then have it,
Sooner than at once."
318. Perhaps God, perhaps me
Who is accurate?Not me.
Perhaps God.
Who is obstinate?
Not God.
Perhaps me.
Who is autocratic?
Not God.
Perhaps me.
Who is perfect?
Ah, that is a question
Which cannot be answered
For a few centuries.
319. Lost inspiration, lost aspiration
Heaven, have you lostYour inspiration-dream?
I do not see it
With you anymore.
Man, it has become too old;
I do not use it anymore.
Earth, have you lost
Your aspiration-cry?
I do not see it
With you anymore.
Man, it is too young;
Only on rare occasions
Do I use it,
Not so often anymore.
320. Still his choice instrument
When I am angry with GodI say many nasty things
About Him.
God laughs and laughs -
At least, He has never scolded me.
Of course, I make it up
When I am calm
And when I am
Helpless and hopeless.
I am still His choice instrument.
321. We are happy
You are happyBecause
You have surrendered
To God at last.
I am happy
Still I am my own boss.
God is happy
He has made Himself
Your and my
Unconditional slave.
322. Awaiting God's command
My mind can easily surrender,Only it is waiting
For God's powerful command.
My vital can easily expand,
Only it is waiting
For God's lofty command.
My body can easily serve,
Only it is waiting
For God's loving command.
323. Ignorance unlimited
Ignorance unlimitedI was.
I don't hide it.
Knowledge limited
I am.
I don't conceal it.
Wisdom-flames illumining
I shall be.
Oh, them I need!
324. Our mutual connection
God, You stayWith Your Realisation.
Let me stay
With my aspiration.
I shall not torture You anymore -
I offer my soul's promise.
"Son, how can I eat
My Realisation-food without you?
Son, how can I appreciate
My Perfection-life without you?
Therefore, we have to barter
Our mutual wealth."
325. Personal and impersonal
O personal God,Why are You everywhere?
I can't freely walk,
I can't freely talk,
I can't even freely sleep.
O impersonal God,
You are so clever.
You know how to think,
You know how to play hide-and-seek.
For my sake,
For Your sake,
Stay more with me,
If not always with me.
326. My lessons
Contention-lessonI always get from my body.
I always get from my vital.
I always get from my mind.
I always get from my heart.
327. We are helpless
You cannot meditate,Yet you speak
Of God day in and day out.
You cannot pray,
Yet you always
Pay lip service to God.
Meditation I did
For many years.
Prayer I did
For many years,
Long before you were born.
What can I do?
God has made me
Your unfortunate teacher.
Alas, you are helpless,
And so am I.
328. Just smile
Don't struggle;You are bound to fail.
Just smile a sweet smile.
Your life-boat
Is bound to sail,
Without fail.
Don't cry;
You are bound to fail.
Just smile a soulful smile.
Your life-boat
Is bound to sail,
Without fail.
329. A shameless God
True,God has given me
Two eyes,
But He has kept aside
Look what a clever God
He is.
God has given me
A heart,
But He has kept aside
Look what a shameless God
He is.
330. My realisation
O Compassion of God,You are my realisation.
O confusion of man,
You are my realisation.
O perfection of love,
You are my realisation.
O life of Immortality,
You are my realisation.
331. No difference
Where is the differenceBetween
No difference!
Where is the difference
No difference!
332. Will God allow it?
Who can fail?Will God ever tolerate
Such nonsense?
No, never!
Who can fail?
Will God allow Himself
To remain asleep?
No, never!
Who can fail?
Will God dare to forget
His promise to Himself?
No, never!
333. Experience-plant
When I love,I smell the experience-flower.
When I serve,
I eat the experience-fruit.
When I surrender,
I become the experience-root.
334. I have yet to see
Individuality's transformationI have yet to see.
Personality's divinisation
I have yet to see.
Humility's glorification
I have yet to see.
335. Two complementary souls
I find it impossible to separateEarth's beauty-cry
Heaven's Beauty-smile.
They are just
Two complementary souls.
I find it impossible to separate
Earth's aspiration
Heaven's Illumination.
They are just
Two complementary souls.
336. I always need you
God, don't forgetThat I always need You,
Your Illumination-sun.
"Son, do I not always
Heed you,
Your aspiration-moon?"
Thank You, Father, thank You.
337. God's treasures
Light, my Light,What do you see?
"I see God's Transcendental Height."
Peace, my Peace,
What do you feel?
"I feel God's Universal Silence."
Bliss, my Bliss,
What do you distribute?
"I distribute the Life-Glory
Of God's Immortality."
338. Their incapacity
I do not fly with fear,Because
Fear dies on the way.
I do not sing with doubt,
Doubt forgets the tune.
I do not dance with anxiety,
Anxiety has lost its innocent charm.
339. Yesterday and today
Lord, yesterdayI was assailed by doubts;
I did not show You my shameless face.
Lord, today
I am sailing in the boat of faith and joy;
I am dancing in Your Heart
And playing at Your Feet.
What for?
Only to please You
In Your own Way.
340. Believe it or not
I help the worldConsiderably;
Believe it or not.
I love the world
Believe it or not.
I shall transform the world
Believe it or not.
I shall fulfil the world
Believe it or not.
341. My two selves
I had only two selves.I gave away
My lower self to God
For its total transformation.
I gave away
My higher self to Death
For Death's complete
342. Beauty is my window
Beauty is my window,Duty is my door,
Reality is my room,
Divinity is my bed,
Immortality is my pen.
Father, am I not correct?
"What else can you be, My son?"
343. My God
My God is myEvolving Beauty.
My God is my
Revealing Duty.
My God is my
Illumining Reality.
My God is my
Fulfilling Necessity.
344. My evolving journey
I started my journeyFor self-gratification.
I now march forward
For self-illumination.
I shall march continuously
For life-perfection.
345. Difficulty
No difficulty,No Divinity's Grace.
No Divinity's Grace,
No Reality's face.
No Reality's face,
No humanity's race.
346. My chosen representatives
I selected my soulTo love God
On my behalf.
I selected my heart
To feel God
On my behalf.
I selected my mind
To seek God
On my behalf.
I selected my vital
To challenge God
On my behalf.
I selected my body
To serve God
On my behalf.
347. Love is goal
Death is hunger;I am anger.
Life is query;
I am weary.
God is choice;
Man is voice.
Truth is soul;
Love is goal.
348. An orphan world
I live in an orphan world;Nobody cares for me.
I live in an infant world;
Nobody knows me.
I live in a consolation-world;
Therefore, I still breathe.
349. The purpose of my existence
God, my heartWas born to love.
Do You believe it?
"Son, I do, I certainly do."
God, my body
Was born to serve.
Do You believe it?
"Son, I do, I certainly do.
I also believe something
Today you love,
Today you serve;
Tomorrow you will guide,
Tomorrow you will lead."
350. My needs
The human in meNeeds only one thing:
The divine in me
Needs only one thing:
The Supreme in me
Needs only one thing:
351. Bridges
My soul is the bridgeBetween
Earth's abiding cry
Heaven's lasting Smile.
My heart is the bridge
Earth's persistent failures
Heaven's constant success.
My life is the bridge
My reality-torture
My God's Dream-rapture.
352. At least one person loves me
Man does not need me,But
God needs me.
At least He says so.
So at least one person needs me.
Man does not love me,
God loves me.
At least He says so.
So at least one person loves me.
353. They do not please each other
God does not tryTo please man anymore,
He has learned
That it is a hopeless case.
Man never tries
To please God,
It is not, after all,
An important case.
354. You are unknown
You are unknownTo doubt.
Who can be as great
As you are?
You are unknown
To hate.
Who can be as good
As you are?
You are unknown
To failure.
Who can be as brave
As you are?
355. What you call trance
What you call trance,I call that very thing
My concentration-lance.
What you call trance,
I call that very thing
My meditation-glance.
What you call trance,
I call that very thing
My contemplation-dance.
356. Visitor's identification
To visit God's PalaceI need no identification,
Everybody knows that
I am God's son.
To visit man's hut
I need a series of identifications.
Man would throw me out
Of the door of his hut.
357. My usual lives
Sound-life:That is my usual
Human life.
That is my usual
Divine life.
That is my usual
Supreme life.
358. Only to be perfect
Yesterday I challenged God,Only to lose.
Today I love God,
Only to win.
Tomorrow I shall serve God,
Only to be perfect.
359. World-soul, world-goal
Awake, awake!Today my world-God
Is awake.
Run, run!
Today my world-soul
Is running fast, very fast.
Dive, dive!
Today my world-goal
Is diving deep, very deep.
360. My beloved
Pride was my belovedOnly the other day.
Humility was my beloved
Only yesterday.
Oneness will be my beloved
Right from today.