Lord, I thank You for Your Smile
Lord, I Thank You for Your Smile
Lord, I thank You for Your Smile.I thank You for my heart’s cry.
I thank You for all that You have done for me
And all that You have not done for me.
Awake, Awake You Lazy Sleepers!
Awake, awake, you lazy sleepers!Sing a song to the morning sun.
Appreciate, admire and adore the inner flame,
The flame that is known as the sweet land of liberty.
Here I Cry for God
Here I cry for God in desert-heart.There God cries for me in Perfection-Palace.
You Are So Near
You are so near to me.I shall fulfil You.
I shall and I can.
I can and I shall.
One Who Truly Loves God
One who truly loves GodNeed not ask God for any favour,
For God knows what is best for him.
I Live in God's Forgiveness-Sun
I live in God’s Forgiveness-Sun.God lives in my fulness-sky.
How to Start?
How to start?Devotedly.
When to start?
Why to start?
To see the Face of Truth
Here and now,
To be the Grace of God
Now, always now.
If You Take Aspiration-Vitamins
If you take aspiration-vitamins,Your heart will reach, infinitely sooner,
God’s Satisfaction-Heart-Home.
A Life of Surrender-Perfection
A life of surrender-perfectionIs a daily full-time job.
A Constant Gratitude-Heart (1)
A constant gratitude-heartIs a way of loving God
In God’s own Way.
Can You Not? (1)
Can you not give your MasterYour aspiration-snack,
Since he is going to give you
His full realisation-meal?
What Can Poor God Do?
What can poor God do?You never listen to Him!
Therefore, God has deliberately moved
Out of your neighbourhood.
I Have Never Calculated My Loss and Gain
I have never calculated my loss and gain.Therefore, my Lord Supreme
Has made me the manager
Of His own spiritual shopping centre.
I Cry Because I Am So Imperfect
I cry because I am so imperfect.I smile because my Lord tells me
That I am not a hopeless case.
God's Expanding Forgiveness-Garden
Where do I live? I live in God’sExpanding Forgiveness-Garden.
Where does God live?
He lives in my thickening mind-forest.
God-Doubters Do Not Know
God-doubters do not knowWhere God is.
God-lovers do not know
Where God is not.
Each Thought Is an Atomic Power
Since each thoughtIs an atomic power,
You can give each thought
A diplomatic death.
Wherever Your Compassion Takes Me
My Lord,Wherever Your Compassion takes me,
I shall go.
My Lord,
Wherever I go,
Do allow Your Forgiveness
To follow me.
I Have Seen Two Things (2)
I have seen two things:God’s Compassion and God’s Forgiveness.
But I have become only one thing:
A gratitude-life.
Your Heart's Morning God-Hunger
Your heart’s morning God-hungerAnd its evening God-thirst
Are the perfect Satisfaction-Smiles
Of your Beloved Supreme.
The Only Way to Surprise God
The only way to surprise GodIs to tell Him,
“Beloved Lord, I love You only
And need You only.
Not for my sake,
But for Your sake only.”
One Solemn Oath
One solemn oath:I shall go far beyond
The domain of expectation!
God's Vision and His Compassion
God’s Vision and His CompassionAre His Eternity’s two Wings.
Do You Remember?
Do you rememberThat once upon a time
You used to listen to God
Sleeplessly and breathlessly?
I Still Think That God Loves Me
I still thinkThat God loves me.
God still thinks
That I need Him.
O True God Lovers
O true God-lovers,Come and join together
And build a road
For God’s Peace-Descent.
You Have Forgotten
You have forgotten to love God,But God has not forgotten to forgive you.
Advance, Advance!
Advance, advance,To the inmost core
Of your soul’s radiance!
Cry Within and Smile Without
Cry within and smile without:This is the only message
That God gives to human beings.
My Mind Likes Long Journeys
My mind likesLong journeys.
My heart loves
Uncharted shores.
May My Heart-Garden Grow
May my heart-garden growBeauty’s rose-hopes.
Oneness-delightBuilds its nest
Only for God-dreamers.
Sincerity Is My Heart's Silver Dawn
Sincerity is my heart’s silver dawn.Purity is my soul’s golden sunrise.
I Pray to God for His Absolute Vision
I pray to God for His Absolute VisionAnd not for His Possession-Universe.
Because You Are a Childlike Believer (2)
Because you are a childlike believer,Your God is a constant Giver.
Each Aspiring Life
Each aspiring lifeIs a prolonged and
Extensive Dream
Of God.
Success Is an Incident
Success is an incident.Progress is an experience.
God-Seekers Feast
God-seekers feastOn God’s great Silence.
Although There Is Nobody in the Audience
Although there is nobodyIn the audience,
God the Lecturer
Every day delivers a lecture
On peace.
I Do Know Who You Are
I do know who You are,But will I ever know who I am?
Greatness-God I Adore
Greatmess-God I adore.Goodness-God I love.
Fulness-God I need.
My Life Is Stationed In Between
My life is stationed in betweenMy tearful heart and my cheerful soul.
I Shall Not Mind
I shall not mind if I am behind everyoneAnd below everyone,
As long as in life’s battlefield
I do not lose.
Aspiration Begins
Aspiration begins.Surrender continues.
Gratitude concludes.
Because You Are a Childlike Believer (1)
Because you are a child-like believer,You are God’s constant giver.
Editor's note
This book is being proofed for mistypes. If you find any, please use link at the bottom of the page.