Editor's introduction to the first edition
This book represents one of the very few genuine accounts of the inner universe — the universe beyond space and time, beyond all mental formulation. It is not a philosophical or theoretical book, but a vivid and detailed description of spiritual Reality by a Yogi who makes his home there. As a God-realised spiritual Master who has become one with the highest Truth, Sri Chinmoy is able to answer very specific questions on such subjects as liberation and illumination, samadhi, nirvana, bliss and the different planes of Consciousness.By traditional accounts, one would expect to find an illumined Yogi in some Himalayan cave, lost in trance. But Sri Chinmoy is one of those rare spiritual Masters who seek to offer their Light not only inwardly, through meditation, but also outwardly, through the spoken and written word. This book consists of Sri Chinmoy's answers to questions asked by seekers at some of his public meditations and university lectures.
Sri Chinmoy, The summits of God-Life: Samadhi and Siddhi, Agni Press, 1974