Part IV — Salutations to Bermuda[^133-143]
Part IV — Salutations to Bermuda[^133-143]The lost ticket
The day I left for Bermuda, Savyasachi drove me to Kennedy Airport. Ranjana, Lucy and Sharon also came in the car. At the airport everything was fine. I passed through the check-in area and then, at the last point where they give the boarding passes, I showed my ticket. They said, "This is the return ticket. Where is the front part?" O God, I didn't have any idea where it was. By this time the girls had left the area, so I was absolutely panicking. Luckily, they had not yet left the airport, and I ran and caught up with them. They told me that the first part of the ticket was inside my pocket. Ranjana had put it there, but I had forgotten.On the plane I was inspired to write fifty-eight poems. That saved me! Before the flight I had said that I would not eat anything; I would take only tea. So I just wrote and wrote, and I didn't eat at all.
When I arrived in Bermuda, a man from immigration asked me how many times I had come to Bermuda.
I said, "Four times."
He said, "That means you like it."
I said, "Definitely I like it!"
The man said, "That means you have friends here."
I said, "I don't have any friends, but I have seen some good people here and I like the place."
He checked all my things very nicely but didn't find anything for my friends.
Sri Chinmoy, Salutations, numbers 9-12, Agni Press, 1983