Question: At what age should a child be taught spirituality?
Sri Chinmoy: A child should be taught spirituality from the very first moment he sees the light of day. When the child cries for the first time, the mother must ask herself why the child has cried. Is it because the child saw ignorance-sea for the first time and became afraid? Or is it because the child is missing the Light and Delight which he was wont to enjoy?If the mother feels that it is ignorance-sea which has frightened the child, then she must tell the child that this ignorance-sea is short-lived, and that soon wisdom-sea will come into existence. At that time, the child will be able to swim and enjoy supreme satisfaction.
And if the mother feels that it is the separation from Heaven-Light that has compelled the child to cry, then she must tell the child that God is not only in Heaven but also on earth. She must tell the child that God sent him down to earth to fulfil a special purpose. In either case, the mother must speak to the inner reality of the child, which is the soul.
Sri Chinmoy, Soulful questions and fruitful answers, Agni Press, 1976