Inner guidance
To know how much inner guidance you as a seeker are receiving from me, first you have to see if your physical mind has accepted my path or not. If you accept my path and you make an outer commitment to it, then I wish to say that in the beginning, if you are really sincere, you will be receiving seventy per cent of my inner guidance. More than that you cannot expect, because on the physical plane there is not yet a free exchange and sharing of thoughts, ideas and ideals between us. Then gradually, as you grow spiritually, it will develop into one hundred percent.The amount of inner guidance that somebody receives does not increase if he comes and listens to a teacher from a distance and gets a high experience, but makes no commitment. You are not compelled or forced to make any commitment, no, it is only that the teacher would like to know on the physical plane that someone is approaching him to become his student. Then the teacher has the opportunity to accept or reject the seeker and the seeker can also accept or reject the teacher. When I use the word ‘commitment’, I do not mean it in the sense of giving money, that you have to give one hundred or one hundred fifty dollars per month; far from it. Money here is not the fee. My fee is aspiration and regularity. If you are regular in attending meetings, if you make an outer commitment along with your inner commitment, your aspiration, this is the kind of commitment I am speaking about.
Anybody can receive my inner guidance to some extent if he has faith in me. But when the seeker and the Master know each other on the mental and physical planes, then it becomes infinitely easier for the seeker to have a free access to the Master’s consciousness. Otherwise, the seeker will try to judge the spiritual Master or try to get light from him in his own way and not the Master’s way. A seeker feels it difficult or almost impossible to identify himself with the Will of the Absolute, but when he becomes a disciple, he knows that his Master is one with the Will of the Absolute. He comes to realise that the Master’s way and his way are not the same, and he feels it is his bounden duty to please the Master in the Master’s own way.
As a disciple, he is a passenger seated in the boat of the spiritual Master. While in the boat, the passenger can sleep, dance or do anything that he wants to do as long as he does not jump out of the boat. It is the boatman who is carrying the passengers and who has to know everything. The expert pilot knows how he will be able to best guide his passengers and what kind of difficulties he will encounter on the way. But only if the passenger has implicit faith in the boatman is it possible for the pilot to guide him. Otherwise, it will not be possible for the seeker even to remain in the boat.
I wish to say that I am in no way asking you to be my disciple. One has to go deep within to find one’s own Master. If someone has established a sixty percent connection with me after seeing me a few times, it may happen that if he sees someone else, he will be able to establish a one hundred percent connection with that person overnight. Or he may feel that here his aspiration is not increasing, and he will feel the necessity of finding another path. But if someone feels that he can develop a connection with me, a close relationship, a oneness with my inner will, then eventually he may try our path.
My advice to all seekers is this: If you wait indefinitely for a path, you are not only wasting time but also belittling your inner potentiality. Please follow a path, any path. In this city alone there are seven or eight spiritual Masters whom you can go and see. If you have seen me a few times, say four times, then it is more than enough. After that, I assure you that you don’t have to see me again to make up your mind whether you want to follow our path. You don’t have to judge your own ability to follow our path. After four times you can just go to another spiritual Master. After you have seen that person four times, see if you are in a position to give him a mark of at least eighty to eighty-five out of a hundred, if you can’t give him one hundred out of a hundred. You are like a teacher in school. When you are in a position to give a Master eighty-five percent, then you can safely accept that Master as your own. Mine is not the only path; there are many paths. Today I have inspired you and my only request to you is that you will try to have a path of your own. That is to say, if you really want to reach the Goal the fastest, you should follow a specific path under the guidance of a spiritual Master. Without a path you won’t be able to reach your destination, no matter where your destination lies. If you want to study, you go to some school — either this school or that school. And then, once you have completed your studies, you won’t need a teacher. At that time you become the master of knowledge; you yourself become the teacher.
Everything and everyone here on earth cares for time. If you can reach your goal in one day, why have you to wait for ten days? But the only thing is that you cannot reach the highest Goal in one day. If anybody tells you that you will reach your Goal in two hours or in ten days or in one month, then I wish to say that he is fooling you. Nobody can realise God in one day or in one month; it is impossible. Just to get a Master’s degree you need to study eighteen or twenty years; and to achieve God-realisation is infinitely more difficult than to get a Master’s degree. Please do not go to a Master who tells you that you will get God-realisation in a few days or months, because God-realisation is not so easy. I know; I have realised God.
Again, you should not feel that you are doomed to disappointment: “Oh, I won’t realise God; I have done so many things wrong.” Far from it. You are God’s child. You have gone through some experiences which you call mistakes. But if you feel that you will never realise God because you did a few things wrong in your life, then you are mistaken. No, God-realisation is your birthright. You have to leave those unhappy experiences behind you. You must not commit those mistakes anymore. From now on if you always do the right thing in both your inner life and your outer life, then you are bound to realise God.
So, on the one hand, don’t be discouraged or disheartened and, on the other hand, do not be over-optimistic and think that in one day you will realise God. Everything has its own time. Slowly, steadily you will reach your Goal. In the spiritual life you need aspiration, you need concentration, meditation, contemplation: all these things. Then you will realise God. Please be sincere and serious in this matter. Then you will see that God-realisation is not something impossible. On the contrary, it is possible, practicable and inevitable. But you have to have inner and outer guidance from a Master whom you accept as your leader and guide.