Sombare Mor Dharechhila Matha

Sombare mor dharechhila matha
Parini asite tai
Mangalbare oishadh lagi
Daktar bari jai
Chokher jalai parini asite
Budhbare mahasay
Gurubare para parini karite
Tai karechhile bhay
Tar pardin uthechhila jwar
Asite parini tai
Shanibare mora maner harashe
Mamabari chale jai
Rabibare jadi iskul hato
Asitam nishchay
Chhutir dibase parite parina
Asubidha eki nay


Sir, on Monday I suffered from severe headache;
Therefore, I could not come to school.
On Tuesday I went to the doctor for medicine;
Therefore, I could not come to school.
On Wednesday my eyes gave me much trouble;
Therefore, I could not come to school.
On Thursday I could not do my lessons;
Therefore, I could not come to school.
On Friday I had a very high fever;
Therefore, I could not come to school.
On Saturday, with heart’s deepest joy
All the members of our family
Went to our maternal uncle’s house;
Therefore, I could not come to school.
On Sunday, if there had been any school
I would definitely have come.
But on the day of vacation
I do not get a chance to study.
Is it not a real cause of annoyment?