Question: How is the creation separated from the Creator?
Sri Chinmoy: The creation is separated from the Creator by the ego of the creation. But through our inner cry we can learn to feel our oneness with God. We can enter into the universal Consciousness where we will see that the creation and the Creator are one.Our ego has created a separation, but God is our highest Self. We are now abnormal, but when we are normal, we will know that we are one with God. He is our highest illumined Self. We are not aware of this because our body-consciousness has limited us, so we think that we are separate from Him.
The ego does not live in the soul. The vital does not live in the soul. The mind does not live in the soul. But only the soul is aware of the Source right now. When we enter into the soul, we enter into the universal Consciousness where everything is one. When we live in the soul we will no longer be separated from our Creator.
Sri Chinmoy, Two devouring brothers: doubt and ego, Agni Press, 1974