Tomare Rakhibo Hridaye Gopane

Tomare rakhibo hridaye gopane
Tomare rakhibo jibane jatane
Tomare rakhibo madhur swapane
Tomare rakhibo ashru nayane

_Translation <html>O my Pilot Supreme, in secrecy supreme<br \></html> <html>I shall keep You in my aspiration-heart.<br \></html> <html>O my Lord Supreme, with my soulful concern<br \></html> <html>I shall keep You in my dedication-life.<br \></html> <html>O my Liberator Supreme,<br \></html> <html>In my sweetness-dream I shall keep You.<br \></html> <html>O my Beloved Supreme,<br \></html> <html>In the tear-flood of my eyes I shall keep You.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>

      <a class="source-title"  href="tlp_2"  title="" >Sri Chinmoy, One Thousand Lotus Petals, part 2, </a>Aum Publications, New York, 2000


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