My lifelong friends16
Simplicity is my lifelong friend. My simplicity-friend has cut down my desire-tree.Sincerity is my lifelong friend. My sincerity-friend has snapped my guilt-conscience-chain.
Purity is my lifelong friend. My purity-friend has secretly told me that love is the only force, the illumining force, fulfilling force, the supreme force.
Divinity is my lifelong friend. My friend divinity teaches me how to live always inside the Source and how to live only for the Source, the perennial Source.
Immortality is my lifelong friend. My friend Immortality tells me that here on earth my heart’s inner cry is the only thing immortal, and there in Heaven my soul’s smile is the only thing immortal.
My Beloved Supreme is my lifelong Friend. My Friend, my Beloved Supreme, tells me that here on earth His Grace is my only salvation, and there in Heaven His Face is my only satisfaction.
O my simplicity, sincerity, purity, divinity, Immortality and Beloved Supreme friends, to each of you I offer my own Eternity’s gratitude-heart, my own Infinity’s oneness-source, my own Immortality’s perfection-delight.
UNM 26. 8 July 1977↩