Part V — Prayers for U Thant's recovery
U Thant's recovery5
Let us most fervently pray for the recovery of our most revered brother, U Thant, who is now in the hospital. As long as he is in the hospital, it is my fervent wish that every day we shall pray to the Supreme for his quick recovery. I have sent flowers to the hospital on behalf of our Meditation Group here.Not because U Thant was once the Secretary-General but because he is a great seeker of Truth and a true lover of mankind, I wish all of us to pray to the Supreme for his quick recovery. He is our real spiritual brother, and it is our bounden duty to pray for him. Even though he is not in the political arena any longer, still his presence on earth is a great blessing for humanity.
While he was in the field of politics there were many things which he could not say or do. Owing to pressure from the world at large, he was unable to enter into the real divine life. Now, since he has freed himself from the United Nations, his inner life has come to the fore and he has become a real divine hero.
When his memoirs are published, we will see the real seeker and the real God-lover in him. May God’s transcendental Blessing and God’s highest Pride rain on his illumining head and consecrated heart.
Now, for a few minutes, let us most fervently pray for his recovery.
UT 40 On two separate occasions when U Thant was hospitalised, Sri Chinmoy requested the members of the United Nations Meditation Group to pray for his recovery. The first time was on 4 November 1971, following a lecture Sri Chinmoy delivered as part of his monthly Dag Hammarskjold Series. The second occasion was on 8 March 1974. At that time Sri Chinmoy said this.↩