Editor's introduction
Sri Chinmoy's writings come from the Infinite Consciousness of the Supreme. These writings are addressed to sincere seekers everywhere who are on the spiritual path back to their Source: The One Supreme. He writes, "God shed endless tears of joy when I met Him for the first time."Sri Chinmoy has travelled the long Journey, through the seven higher worlds, to the uppermost floor of God's Mansion. The Supreme has sent him to us to guide, protect and point the way to our Destined Goal. It is the way of the heart, the way of Love Divine. He writes, "God on my behalf said to my yogi-friends, 'When He and I met for the first time, we stabbed each other with love.'" How different our world would be if we threw away our knives and other weapons of destruction and took up the banners of dedicated love and selfless service.
These divine conversations, between Sri Chinmoy and his Yogi and Avatar-Friends, are for the most part mantric in character. By sincerely repeating sacred words over and over again, a spiritual seeker can make very fast progress on the path to God-Realisation.
The Supreme speaks to Sri Chinmoy in clear and certain terms. Fully and unconditionally surrendered, Sri Chinmoy obeys God's Commands. This brought him to the West, from his native Bengal, India in 1964 at the age of thirty-two. Within a few short years, he has helped, with his purity and spiritual magnetism, hundreds of sincere seekers crying for spiritual light. Many are now his dedicated and devoted disciples. Nevertheless, he has repeatedly told us that he is not the Guru, that there is only one Guru, and that is the Supreme and the Supreme alone.
As Sri Chinmoy is one with God, the Supreme speaks through him and says, "Let Me tell you about My disciples. In the morning they cry for their realisation. In the afternoon they cry for humanity's liberation. In the evening they cry for My full Manifestation on earth."
Sri Chinmoy’s path is the path of unconditional love, devotion and surrender. It is the path of purity, sincerity and gratitude. It is the path of the heart. It is the path of service that demands transformation and offers God-realisation.
This path is not an escape from reality; on the contrary, it is Reality itself. It is for the strong as well as for the pure in heart.
Sri Chinmoy's light brings the spiritual seeker into the Divine presence. Closer than the closest is the aspirant's relationship with God. We can hear God speak through Sri Chinmoy's lips, "My Son, your life is My Concern. Your life is My Manifestation."
Earth may not be ready for Sri Chinmoy, but he has unconditionally made himself ready for earth. He descends far below the limited consciousness of his disciples and raises them to the pinnacles of their potentialities. An Avatar-Friend of his fervently pleaded with him, "End your play on earth and come here and enjoy the perfect Bliss of Heaven. We need your presence badly." But to this Sri Chinmoy in a divinely amusing yet supremely consoling manner answers, "You and I love each other deeply."
Sri Chinmoy's dedicated Mission is to serve humanity and remain with us here on earth, while he also finds time to speak with his yogi-friends and Avatar-Friends there in Heaven. Indeed the Supreme has blessed and flooded his breath with an all-pervading consciousness.
— Dulal