Do you not feel that national boundaries, economic disparity and religious dogma divide human beings into different camps, creating unspiritual environments and making peace, for an individual as well as for a nation, a distant star?
I do strongly feel that these national boundaries and so forth are really impairing the growth of our evolving human consciousness. But it is the clarification of the individual's mind and spirit that must precede the awakening of our social institutions such as churches and governments. It is the spiritual and mental elite who can infuse the general mass with their illumining light. As we know, the policies of institutions and nations are usually embodiments of the general consciousness. These policies can be influenced considerably by enlightened individuals. Mother India in particular has not lacked in such enlightened souls, nor does she lack them now.It is only a matter of time until time itself will create an opening so the spiritual consciousness may permeate the individual and his society. On our part, a conscious spiritual effort has to be made so that the higher forces from above can come down and touch the very depths of our seeking hearts. When this occurs, the gap that we now see between our aspiration and its fulfilment in society will no longer exist.
Sri Chinmoy, Yoga and the spiritual life. The journey of India's Soul., Tower Publications, Inc., New York, 1971