Question: In the book 'The Miracle of Miracles' about your one-arm miracle lift of 7,033 3_4 pounds, there are two certificates proving your lift is valid: one from the Amateur Athletic Union USA signed by Cliff Sawyer; the second from the British Amateur Weightlifting Association signed by Jim Smith. Why do you think that some people still do not believe it?
Sri Chinmoy: There will always be some people who will not trust others, no matter what they do, even if it is done right in front of their eyes. I am a Truth-seeker and a God-lover. Therefore, I am a believer. I know that anything significant that takes place in the human family is a blessingful boon from Above. If we pray and meditate, one day definitely we will be able to have a free access to the realms of infinite energy and infinite capacities. After all, who can silence a critic? Nobody. This much I can say, for a oneness-heart, nothing is impossible. For a division-mind, nothing extraordinary is possible.
Sri Chinmoy, Aspiration-body, illumination-soul, part 3, Agni Press, 2004