My Lord Supreme's most powerful weapon
There was a time when my Lord SupremeCame to me with His Forgiveness
In infinite measure.
Alas, soon He came to realise
That I did not deserve His Forgiveness.
Therefore, He was compelled to withdraw
His Forgiveness.
There was a time when my Lord Supreme
Came to me with His Compassion
In infinite measure.
Alas, soon He came to realise
That I did not deserve His Compassion.
Therefore, He was compelled to withdraw
His Compassion.
There was a time when my Lord Supreme
Came to me with His Tolerance
In infinite measure.
Alas, soon He came to realise
That I did not deserve His Tolerance.
Therefore, He was compelled to withdraw
His Tolerance.
Now my Lord Supreme says to me,
"O useless seeker,
From now on I shall come to you
With My Justice-Light,
Which is, indeed, another way
Of expressing My Concern for you.
"But if you fail even this time,
Then I am going to use
My most powerful weapon:
My Indifference.
Of all My weapons,
My Indifference is by far
The most destructive.
Be careful, be careful, be careful,
O useless seeker!"
Sri Chinmoy, Aurora-Flora, Agni Press, 1982