Christine's conversation with God

“God, Chinmoy is my Guru. I wish to know the name of his Guru.”

“Chinmoy’s Guru’s name is God.”

“That means You are his Guru.”

“Yes, I am his Guru.”

“That means You know more than Chinmoy does.”

“Yes, I know much more than Chinmoy.”


“Yes, I know much more than Chinmoy does.”

“Let me see: God, I wish You to smile exactly the way Chinmoy smiles.”

God smiles.

“Yes God, really Your smile is exactly like Chinmoy’s smile. Now I want You to make Your Eyes as big, powerful, and frightening as Chinmoy’s eyes.”

God shows His big, powerful and frightening Eyes.

“Yes, I see. You have the same eyes as my Guru Chinmoy has. God, tell me frankly, is it true that You know much more than my Guru?”

“Yes, I know much more than your Guru Chinmoy, and I have much more than he has. He has learned everything from Me, and I have given him everything that he now has. I also have the power to take away everything from him if he wrongly uses it.”

“God, don’t be so nasty. Chinmoy is so kind to me, so nice to me. I love him. We all love him. God, don’t You ever take away anything from him, please, please!”

“I will never take anything away from Chinmoy, I promise to you, Christine.”

“God, I thank You. I thank You, I thank You. My mother also will thank You deeply if You keep Your Promise.”

God offers to Christine His Smile of sweet Delight and Compassion.

Sri Chinmoy, Children's conversations with God, Sri Chinmoy Lighthouse, New York, 1971