Question: What is the proper role of individuality in surrender?
Sri Chinmoy: The disciples should have no real individuality, if by individuality we mean the fragmented individuality of the mind. But there is another individuality, which encompasses the entire universe. Christ said, "I and my Father are one." This individuality, which is universality, is welcome.Although a soldier on a mission may be separated from the entire troop, he is for the troop. That is all right. As long as there is oneness with the higher reality, then individuality is fruitful of illumination and immortal love. But the individuality that you refer to is human individuality. It is separated from the reality, separated from the Source. It is like Julius Caesar's declaration, "I came, I saw, I conquered." That individuality must not remain, even in infinitesimal measure, in the disciple's consciousness. But divine individuality, which is universality, should be cultivated.
Sri Chinmoy, Opportunity and self-transcendence, Agni Press, 1977