Cahit's race15
In the five-mile race that Cahit Yeter organised today in the Bronx, Carlos was encouraging me and I was begging him to go a little faster so he would get a prize. In the race, the disciples were encouraging me all the time, singing, O grant me the fastest speed. But the people watching the race were laughing at my speed.After killing myself for some time, I saw no life inside my body. Then I saw Anne Alaimo 400 metres ahead of me. First I passed Chameli, then Anne, Godavari and Chandra. Then I passed Chetana long after them. But Sarama was beyond my reach.
During the race, at least fifteen people recognised me.
RB 825. 28 April 1985↩
Sri Chinmoy, Run and become, become and run, part 16, Agni Press, 1985