Table of Contents
- The six-day race
- Bringing sunshine
- The best
- The over-fifty champion
- Have a cup of coffee!
- The mini-swim
- Giving out oranges
- Blessings from the elderly
- Ali, Ali, Ali!
- What speed I have!
- My only rival
- Smiling like anything
- The challenge
- You must run!
- Cahit's race
- Patience replaces capacity
- Maybe he doesn't understand English
- Coming from behind
- He walks faster than I run
- A birthday run
- A rare smile
- Running and running
- Good morning!
- I am nearing 75
- Walking ferociously
- The Queens fitness Guru
- Struggling towards 1,000 miles
- Nayak's soul preceded him
- My imagination gets frightened
- A slow run
- I am blind
- I surrendered
- No competitiveness
- Tricking the mind
- I want your outer blessings
- The hat
- The water pistol
- Enjoying the argument
- Driving backward
- Running in Quebec
- I know why you are strong
- We love you!
- I am the wrong person!
- Wearing the American flag
- Not in the mood to talk
- Mother Earth should bless me now!
- The candy store
- Perhaps she thought I was tired
- Prasad
- The nice man