Amare karogo tomar apan
Amare karogo tomar apan
Amare karogo tomar apan
_Translation <html>O, make me Your own.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Tomar swapan amar jiban
Tomar swapan
Amar jiban
_Translation <html>My life is Your Dream.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Tomar charane amar maran
Tomar charane amar maran
_Translation <html>My death is at Your Feet.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Jeyona bhuliya mukti amare dite
Jeyona bhuliya mukti amare dite
_Translation <html>Forget not to give me liberation.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Taba sudha nam jape jena
Taba sudha nam jape jena
Mama hiya abiram
_Translation <html>May my heart repeat<br \></html> <html>Your Nectar-Name sleeplessly.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Jao dure chale ahamika ghor
Jao dure chale ahamika ghor
_Translation <html>Go away, O dark pride.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Satar kati satar kati
Satar kati satar kati
Shanti sagare pratiti bhore
_Translation <html>I swim and swim in the river of peace every day.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Asimer khudha dao go amare
Asimer khudha dao go amare
Tomare tushite
_Translation <html>Give me Infinity’s hunger<br \></html> <html>To satisfy You.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Give me Infinity's hunger
Give me Infinity’s hungerTo satisfy You.
Chahi kebal tomar sebai
Chahi kebal tomar sebai
Jiban katate
_Translation <html>I long to spend my life only serving You.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Amar ananda dheu
Amar ananda dheu tomar khama
_Translation <html>Your Forgiveness is my ecstasy-wave.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Taba khama chite
Taba khama chite
E dharani ache benche
_Translation <html>This world is living<br \></html> <html>In Your Forgiveness-Heart.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Shanti gabhire banchite chahigo
Shanti gabhire banchite chahigo
Shanti gabhire
_Translation <html>In the depths of peace I long to live.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Asha nadi tumi amar
Asha nadi tumi amar
Nidra bihin sathi
_Translation <html>Hope-river,<br \></html> <html>You are my sleepless companion.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Spriha shikha jago
Spriha shikha jago jago
Abar jago
_Translation <html>Aspiration-flame, awake, awake,<br \></html> <html>Once more awake.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Puta usha dake amai
Puta usha dake amai
Dekhte savitare
_Translation <html>Purity-dawn is beckoning me<br \></html> <html>To have a glimpse of the rising sun<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Tripti chahina dipti chahi
Tripti chahina dipti chahi
Chahina dipti chahi taba khama
_Translation <html>Satisfaction I want not; I want light.<br \></html> <html>Light I want not; I want Your Forgiveness.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Satisfaction I want not
Satisfaction I want not;
I want light.
Light I want not;
I want Your Forgiveness.
Usha debi elo
Usha debi elo hridaya kamale phutate
_Translation <html>The Goddess Dawn has come<br \></html> <html>To awaken my heart-lotus.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Usha deva bala eseche ajike
Usha deva bala eseche ajike
Amar jiban pantha karite ala
_Translation <html>The daughter-goddess Dawn has come<br \></html> <html>To illumine my life-road.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
The Daughter-Goddess Dawn has come
The Daughter-Goddess Dawn has come
To illumine my life-road.
Gopane ese hridaye
Gopane ese hridaye
Mama gopane raho
_Translation <html>Secretly You come into my heart.<br \></html> <html>Secretly You stay.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Sanjher tara sanjher tara
Sanjher tara sanjher tara
Tumi amar hiyar hasir fuara
_Translation <html>O evening star, O evening star,<br \></html> <html>You are my fountain-heart-smile.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
O Evening Star, O Evening-Star
O Evening Star, O Evening Star,
You are my fountain-heart-smile.
Eso eso ogo majhi
Eso eso ogo majhi
Tomar sonar tari beye
_Translation <html>O my Boatman, come, come,<br \></html> <html>Sailing Your Golden Boat.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Deba muhurta eso
Deba muhurta eso eso eso
Jagao amar supta hiyar rabire
_Translation <html>O God-moment, come, come!<br \></html> <html>Come and awaken my heart’s sleeping sun.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Ashru sagare dube jao tumi
Ashru sagare dube jao tumi
Bhoye bhoye jabe asi
_Translation <html>You dive into the sea of sorrows<br \></html> <html>When I fearfully come to You.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
You dive into the sea of sorrows
You dive into the sea of sorrows
When I fearfully come to You.
Ganer deshe hese hese
Ganer deshe hese hese
Gan geye jai ganer rajer samukhe
_Translation <html>Smiling, I sing and sing my songs<br \></html> <html>In the clime of songs<br \></html> <html>Before the King of songs.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Smiling, I sing and sing
Smiling, I sing and sing my songs
In the clime of songs
Before the King of Songs.
Pujite tomai diyecho khamata
Pujite tomai diyecho khamata
Tushite ebar dao go
_Translation <html>You have given me the capacity to worship You.<br \></html> <html>Now do give me the capacity to satisfy You.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
You have given me the capacity
You have given me
The capacity to worship You.
Now do give me
The capacity to satisfy You.
Tomar asim khamar bale
Tomar asim khamar bale
Jiban amar benche ache
_Translation <html>My life is still alive<br \></html> <html>Because of Your Infinity’s<br \></html> <html>Forgiveness-power.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Nayan mudile dekha dao more
Nayan mudile dekha dao more
Nayan khulile nimeshe lukao
Keno prabhu keno
_Translation <html>When I close my eyes,<br \></html> <html>You come and stand before me.<br \></html> <html>When I open my eyes,<br \></html> <html>Immediately You hide.<br \></html> <html>Why, my Lord, why?<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
When I close my eyes
When I close my eyes,
You come and stand before me.
When I open my eyes,
Immediately You hide.
Why, my Lord, why?
Baroi madhur kalpana
Baroi madhur kalpana
Baroi nithur bastab
Ei kathati jante perechi
_Translation <html>Sweet, very sweet, imagination.<br \></html> <html>Cruel, very cruel, reality.<br \></html> <html>This I have known all along.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Sweet, very sweet
Sweet, very sweet — imagination.
Cruel, very cruel — reality.
This I have known all along.
Balo balo amai bhalobaso ki (1)
Balo balo amai bhalobaso ki
Balo ogo param pita
_Translation <html>Tell me, my Lord, tell me,<br \></html> <html>Do You really love me?<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Balo balo amai bhalobaso ki (2)
Balo balo amai bhalobaso ki
Ogo amar param pita
_Translation <html>Tell me, tell me,<br \></html> <html>My Lord Father Supreme,<br \></html> <html>Do You really love me?<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Tell me, tell me, my Lord Father Supreme
Tell me, tell me, my Lord Father Supreme,
Do You really love me?
Jago jago rabi shashi
Jago jago rabi shashi jago jago tara
Jago amar hiya pure muchhao ashru dhara
_Translation <html>Awake, awake, O sun, O moon and stars.<br \></html> <html>Awake in my heart-citadel and wipe the flow of my tears.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>
Awake, awake, O sun, O moon
Awake, awake,
O sun, O moon and stars.
Awake in my heart-citadel
And wipe the flow of my tears.