Table of Contents
- Amare karogo tomar apan
- Oh, make me Your own
- Tomar swapan amar jiban
- My life is Your Dream
- Tomar charane amar maran
- My death is at Your Feet
- Jeyona bhuliya mukti amare dite
- Forget not to give me liberation
- Taba sudha nam jape jena
- May my heart repeat
- Jao dure chale ahamika ghor
- Go away
- Satar kati satar kati
- I swim and swim
- Asimer khudha dao go amare
- Give me Infinity's hunger
- Chahi kebal tomar sebai
- I long to spend my life
- Amar ananda dheu
- Your Forgiveness is my ecstasy-wave
- Taba khama chite
- This world
- Shanti gabhire banchite chahigo
- In the depths of peace
- Asha nadi tumi amar
- Hope-river
- Spriha shikha jago
- Aspiration-flame
- Puta usha dake amai
- Purity-dawn is beckoning me
- Tripti chahina dipti chahi
- Satisfaction I want not
- Usha debi elo
- The Goddess Dawn has come
- Usha deva bala eseche ajike
- The Daughter-Goddess Dawn has come
- Gopane ese hridaye
- Secretly
- Sanjher tara sanjher tara
- O Evening Star, O Evening-Star
- Eso eso ogo majhi
- O my Boatman
- Deba muhurta eso
- O God-moment, come
- Ashru sagare dube jao tumi
- You dive into the sea of sorrows
- Ganer deshe hese hese
- Smiling, I sing and sing
- Pujite tomai diyecho khamata
- You have given me the capacity
- Tomar asim khamar bale
- My life is still alive
- Nayan mudile dekha dao more
- When I close my eyes
- Baroi madhur kalpana
- Sweet, very sweet
- Balo balo amai bhalobaso ki (1)
- Tell me, my Lord
- Balo balo amai bhalobaso ki (2)
- Tell me, tell me, my Lord Father Supreme
- Jago jago rabi shashi
- Awake, awake, O sun, O moon