My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,This morning, to my mind's extreme surprise
And to my heart's extreme sorrow,
I saw the distance
From Your Heart to my mind.
The distance is unimaginably long!
This frightened me to death.
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,
Do tell me how I can shorten the distance,
How I can nullify the distance,
How I can make Your Heart and my mind one.
"My child, My child, My child,
From today on do not remain
A student of your desire-mind.
Become a companion of your aspiration-heart.
You and your aspiration-heart
Will be able to compel your mind
To sit at My Feet.
Once your mind is at My Feet,
My Heart and your mind will become one,
Inseparably one.
Your mind will be illumined,
You will be fulfilled
And I shall be satisfied."
SFL 39. 17 December 1994, Kathmandu, Nepal↩
Sri Chinmoy, My sweet Father-Lord, where are You?, Agni Press, 1999